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I have friends that can hack the airlines to see flight times coming and going. I know guys that hack sites all the time and they are far from professionals!! Google "Hack shopping cart software"...You can find the hacks to everything if you dig long enough.

Point is...if you want to hack into webs sites, forums etc you can with little or no knowledge.

If these were pros of any sort, they would not have taken your site down. The non-pros do that. Also, the non-pros are the ones that steal info etc and cause harm. Real hackers just expose vulnerabilities then go to the software company and alert them.


They didnt take the site down.... They just leftthere mark like most do.


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the hack shoppig cart software is a side program that runs on your shopping cart software. a modified version or a addon is called a hack. this isnt hackers its completely different.

like for example TU it has many "hacks" in it.

the term "Hack" is very misleading anymore and most of the time it has absolutly nothig to do with hackers.

now about your "friends" why dont they just look on the websites to see flight times. why hack into a airlines system to get info thats readly avail. from websites or by a phone call?

I think your friends are pulling your leg, as doing something in the US like that would be a vilolation of the homeland security act and they take that very seriously.

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I have personally watched them pull up the flight itinerary and see if their buddies got on the plane or not. Simple to do for them. Not sure it is a homeland security issue though but I am not a internet police officer just the IT HIPPA Security Officer and Chief Information Officer at a hospital.

Sounds like the makers of the software need to get on the stick if there are that many holes (hacks) in the program.

Proper firewall management should not let an individual get through to any machines on your network unless allowed, period. Then, irregardless of the software flaws (as with Microsofts many issues), the software is still safe. Most holes that hackers or unwanted guests get into are left open by the individuals that install the firewall (out of the box into operation) without changing any settings or failure to update firewall software releases.

Mind you, there are still ways to get around the firewall but even "pros" will leave a decent secure system alone and look for an easy "hack".

Job security for me though.... Wish I could just make baits all day though! Far more rewarding and easily more fun!!!


PS Just for the record, I DO NOT condone any type of hacking, be it for fun or for pain!!! I think it is totally wrong and these guys need to get a life!!

I did talk with a friend that runs many public forums Del and he advises me that forums are a PITA! He blocks IP address and ranges, filters with keywords and does filter some traffic with his firewalls just to keep the scum out. Easier said than done for sure!!

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I have personally watched them pull up the flight itinerary and see if their buddies got on the plane or not. Simple to do for them. Not sure it is a homeland security issue though but I am not a internet police officer just the IT HIPPA Security Officer and Chief Information Officer at a hospital.

Sounds like the makers of the software need to get on the stick if there are that many holes (hacks) in the program.

Proper firewall management should not let an individual get through to any machines on your network unless allowed, period. Then, irregardless of the software flaws (as with Microsofts many issues), the software is still safe. Most holes that hackers or unwanted guests get into are left open by the individuals that install the firewall (out of the box into operation) without changing any settings or failure to update firewall software releases.

Mind you, there are still ways to get around the firewall but even "pros" will leave a decent secure system alone and look for an easy "hack".

Job security for me though.... Wish I could just make baits all day though! Far more rewarding and easily more fun!!!


PS Just for the record, I DO NOT condone any type of hacking, be it for fun or for pain!!! I think it is totally wrong and these guys need to get a life!!

I did talk with a friend that runs many public forums Del and he advises me that forums are a PITA! He blocks IP address and ranges, filters with keywords and does filter some traffic with his firewalls just to keep the scum out. Easier said than done for sure!!

Jim your completely confused, mislead. or you just don't understand a public forum.

The reason software companies come up with updates is for security issue. they are on the ball all the time. you can read all about security issues what they do and why the programs need to be updated on the vbulletin forum. you are immediately notified about any updates vie email, and on the forum in the admin section ( and you have no control to turn it off). So I would say they are defiantly on the ball.

with not updating the software you leave a hole in it ( for the lack of a better word) with this hole and the right code and the right programs from a hacker that knows what he is doing he can access the sql data base. This is one main reason why you don't connect your forum with your store. Post Nuke was very bad for this. I have many databases. while they got into the forum one, they cant get into the store one or any other one.

another reason never to use the same passwords for everything.

for example my passwords for my server stuff are generated numbers letter and Caps. and I never use the passwords for forums and stuff. shopping carts that I shop from always have a different password and they are not even close to the same as I have for my server and database stuff.

For example on forums Jerry and I have the option to make it so guys posting can use HTML codes insteav of text and BB codes like we use on this board. but using HTML codes leave you open to a ton of problems. so we leave them closed so the general public don't use them.

years ago we ran UBB forums when they used a CGI file extension. we had HTML on and a guy came in and wrote a code in HTML that code regenerated itself crashing the server. Basically I opened to read it when I did I started a string of stuff that was never ending. Granted those were in the old days 10 years ago LOL but HTML code open to the public is a NO NO its even stressed by the companies who make these forums.

the firewall your speaking of has more to do with PRIVATE servers, Networks and personal computers not PUBLIC sites ( like TU, mine or even your website) your hospital stuff, School districts banks etc. and other stuff is Private not PUBLIC there is a huge difference.

as far as public forums

you can set them up to block pretty much anything, Those are not the guys that need to be worried about( just goof ball spammers they are no threat). but if you don't update like you should on security issues people with the right knowledge and expertise and rip through it like a rat in a wet paper bag.

PS if you don't condone hack why did you watch your buddies hack into the Itinerary. dude if they actually did you would have been so busted, I am betting with in 24 hours or less the house they did it on would have been raided via the FBI. in todays world with the problems with terrorism no threat is to small when it comes to hacking into a airlines system.

more than likely they brought up a website that had this information and tried to look like nerds by saying they hacked into the airlines.


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I have met a ton of Air Force Reserve pilots that also fly for the airlines. Most airlines has a employee only access to flight information, including the air crew, hostesses, and in some cases, passenger manifest. I don’t know if accessing this information is “hacking” or just unauthorized use, viewing that information would be a misdemeanor and adding or deleting information would be a felony. Technically, a non-employee accessing passenger information would be a violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, making it a federal crime.

I just remember the results of unauthorized access to Department of Defense systems and a rule, in addition to the branch of service starting to track down the source of these fools, if it was considered serious enough, the NSA would assist the FBI in reversing the trail and downloading copies of their (the hackers) hard drive to determine if there was more possible unauthorized access. Any web address that starts “https:” normally equals jail time when you get busted.

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