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Hi all, just found this sight recently and have been doing a little reading on home made soft plastics. I'm from New Zealand, and the saltwater soft plastics scene has virtually taken off like a rocket and i'm loving it great fun. Now I'm starting to think about making my own and trying my luck, but can't seem to source the product you guys seem to use for the baits(Plastisol/ liquid plastic)? is it knowen as something else? I'm thinking that I've got the POP molds on the go but trying to find the other stuff? any help would be good!

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Dobdanyt, first things first...

Welcome to TU, the tackle junky center of the world. Tackle making can get pretty adictive.

First off, I do not personally pour plastics, so the only information I can provide is only what I've read on the subject myself. That said, there are different sorces that the TU fellowship use.

One highly reguarded source for getting started pouring is an active TU vender, Del-Mart Molds, with a like normally at the top of the of TU pages.

Del is also a TU member and answers alot of questions that come up during the course of pouring process.

Just as important as gotting all the componets together to do your first pour, is to read and research the subject as much as possible. Most of the questions that you are going to ask, have probably been asked by somebody else. READ the posted threads, there is a ton of information to be mined from the TU braintrust.

Always, pay attentions to the safety aspects of pouring plastics. There are pictures of healed burn scares on this site. The members that have suffered these burns will always share information to prevent that club.

That said, let me tell you about some of searchs tools on this site:

1. There is the "Search Forums" option to the right of page... I know, that ones hard to miss.

2. At the bottom of each Thread (like the posts on this page) are Simular Threads to this post. I don't know how it scores the posts, but it normally helps to check those threads to get a better grip on the topic being dicussed.

Well, looking forward to getting a chance to see some examples of your pours shortly

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yeh mate been having great fun with the soft plastics here, especially in around 15m of water over worm beds! lol me mates set-up decided to go swimming when he put it down on the side of the boat while the lure was still in the water, a Kingi snatched it, man was he sad for the rest of the day after seeing his new rod speeding of into the big blue!

Don't happen to know if insurance companies covers theft by fish?

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Barnes Porducts (Aus) have a distrubtor in NZ although the cost of plastic is a real killer downunder.I have used "hot pour vinyl" which is plastisol, but thier now flogging a new product called "fish a bait" which I haven't tried,it's a dipping plastic used for raincoats which you can bake in the oven.I guess it would be OK for one piece molds, this was the way I was heading to do nine inch sluggo type baits untill stilstar started selling the same type of bait same price six to a pkt so I"m holding off unless I can find plastic at a cheaper price.


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