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why we only get clear colors?

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Right now when we pour, we heat our Calhouns plastic up slowly, after adding the colors in a pyrex. when it gets to about 5 on the Lee's pot setting it gets real thick, but by the time it reaches 325, its gets thin enough to pour, Our problem is that we cant get a solid color, we only get clear ones, can anyone help us with this?also it is a pain to clean our pots after every color, we have to scrub and laquar them up, should we invest in new pots, or just wire bruch the heck out of these?thanks for all the help, ffeelfree to instant message me at reddingbasser04@aol.com or email at the same address. Ryan Pearson

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Have you tried adding the color before heating? This will sometimes solve that problem. Also, there are some dark colors (black & brown) that are best mixed when the plastic is in the gel state. If you wait until the plastic is runny, sometimes the color will separate.

I'm assuming you're putting enough color in? A good rule of thumb is 1-2 drops per ounce of plastic, depending on how dark you want the bait.

Lastly, where are you getting your colors? Some of Lure Crafts and MF colors can be completely different. Example: MF's pumpkin & watermelon will be transparent no matter how much color you add.

These are all things I've learned from previous mistakes. :lol:


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When using salt in the mixture you have to add about 50-75% more color. due to the salt being white(most salts)

I use the standard colors from lure craft and I can make them see thru by adding less color. I can make the dark by adding more color.

Like the bluefleck ones I made look at the drops I have to ad

75 drops of black grape and 100+ or red.

all this depends on how consistant your colors are from the place you buy them.

I buy mine from lure craft and have had to add 25% more sometimes and 25% less sometimes.

it also depends on how good the colors are mixed as well.

drop a few small bearings in the color bottle and shake the crap out of it. if the colors been sitting for a day or more you might have to shake them for 3-5 mins.

oh the bigger the bottle the bigger the ball bearings.


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