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Pouring two colors at same time

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I think there's a limit to the number of chambers you can put in it. The size of the pouring spout will determine that. You have to be quite selective when you buy your pyrex because I've noticed that you will see slight differances in the size and shape of them if you look at all of the ones on the store shelf. I've seen some that were quite narrow and pointed while some others are wide and shallow.


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Somebody mentioned that earlier and I went to K-mart at was amazed at the differences. I do have my favorite cups but never thought to look at the spouts. I recently found some smaller Pyrex in the one cup size. They measure one cup almost to the top. They are shorter, narrower and have smaller spouts which pour a much narrower stream than the regular one cup size you usually see.

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I Used To Pour Using A Big Medical Serenge. You Get The Plastic Hot And Pour It In The Serenge And Inject The Plastic To Insure No Voids. You Have To Be Careful And Wear A Glove Do To The Hot Plastic, But It Worked Great. Now I'm Thinking, What If You Took A Two Part Serenge Like The Dv2 And Injected It In The Mold . You Should Get A More Define Swirl Do To Plastic Being Pressed Into The Mold Simultaneously. Probably A Little More Work Than The Funnel Or Divider Cup But Its Gotta Work. What Do You Guys Think? Its Been A While Since I Poured Due To Learning How To Paint Cranks But I Just May Give This A Try.

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If you want a template fill the pyrex with POP and let it set. Don't forget to grease the inside of the pyrex. After it sets up take it out; find the center line and then cut it from bottom to top. There's your template; just trace it out onto stiff paper.


Good advice. But, I'm a bone head. I bought a new 1 cup pyrex filled it with POP and did so without lubing the inside. Yea, I broke it trying to get the mold out.

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Good advice. But, I'm a bone head. I bought a new 1 cup pyrex filled it with POP and did so without lubing the inside. Yea, I broke it trying to get the mold out.

Why not cover slightly over half the cup (between the handle and spout ) with duct tape . fill the cup just over half with POP . Then put the cup on it's side with the handle and spout level . When dry the POP would fall out and you would have a half cup template

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The way I have been making divided cups for years. I take a piece of cardbord cut it to fit into cup , do alot of trimming till it fits pretty snug, then trace that on to a piece of aluminum. If all goes well aluminum divider should fit like a glove. then just run a bead of jb weld around it on both sides. Let it set up for a day or two and your ready to pour some pretty good swirls! i heard Nova mention the turntable thing LOL I tried that about ten years ago and it makes some awesome swirls but like he said you have to have it centered on every hole. I made a jig to do that and it worked great but more trouble than what it was worth as you had to move the mold for each hole. Too time consumming! Good luck those first baits looked great!!!

Edited by hawghunterbaits
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