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eyes for soft plastics

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Has anyone tried to make a 2 piece for SBSE-AA.JPG

this and if yes, back to the original question...how do you attach the eyes.

Thats a skinny bear drop shot bait right? I havent seen that color, we use them for a split-shot jerk bait so to speak they are fantastic.

to make th eyes in your mold use a dowel pin this will leave a pocket in the eye socket so you eyes will fit in them.


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It is difficult to find the eyes recommended for attachment to soft plastics. I have a couple of manufacturers in China sending me samples BUT don't want to go out of the US for my supplies.

I get my eyes stright from Witchcraft Tape (one of the main manufacturers of eyes) and they do not recommend their eyes for use on soft plastic. The eye and the plastic interact and the result is the eye will fall apart (and fall off).

Making your own or getting the adhesive off the back is the only way to get them to stay properly and for a long time unless they are dipped over as suggested by Gary.


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Thanks guys. The swimbaits I make all have the eye sockets. What I have been doing is putting the flat stick on eyes in and then pouring some hot clear plastic in the eyesocket over the eye. Sometimes this works well, and sometimes not. I know that I can dip the head, but the baits I'm making are very similar to the Baby-e and Hot Momma and have a fat enough head already. I have some of the 3D's coming and will try the super glue trick and see how it works. Thanks.


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Hello...just my 2 cents..but if you are not clear coating at least over eyes, they will be "one hit" eyes... my experience is that there is not a adhesive that I have tried that last past one good hit...that includes epoxy type glues, super glues, and heat activated stick-type glue. If done properly you can barely tell the clear dip is there. I realize that involves adding a time-consuming step. I only add eyes for my personal baits, so I don't mind the added time. You, of course may feel differently.....Tight lines, Dave

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Borderbasser I pour swim baits for several elite,and flw pros and we all had the problem with the eyes falling apart. I was using WTP eyes and now make my own. I use sequins from the hobby shops,8mm mostly,you get about 1500 for 2 bucks. Put the sequins cup side up on masking tape fixed sticky side up.Get a holepunch from the scrapebook section ,I like the 1/8 hole. Punch out a bunch of black or any color for pupils. I handle all this tiny pieces with a sharp Xacto knife point. Mix up some 2ton epoxy and use a flat toothpick to put a drop of 2ton on the sequins. With a liitle practice you can make 200 to 300 in a hour. Let dry for about 8 hours and attach to the swim bait with goof proof super glue.

good luck, sidewinder

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Sindewinder, it is funny you should mention the sequins. I found a gold one laying around yesterday that fell off one of the girls play dresses and it got me to thinking. Just a couple questions though. What are you using for the pupil? And, I can see the logic behind putting the cup side up for the epoxy, but doesn't make it difficut to get it glued down in the eye socket? Thanks for the responses guys.


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