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Esox americanus americanus

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A recent post on the all aboard section got me thinking again about this little fish, Latin name 'Esox americanus americanus' . I have had this nagging interest in Pickerell since I started fishing for its larger cousins esox lucius many many years ago. Has anyone ever caught one???? If you have I would love to see a picture if one was taken. The Redfin Pickerell is the smallest growing of the esox family but I dont suppose I will ever see one in real life :cry:.


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In Wisconsin, we'd call that a hammer handle because of the size. I would perfer hunting the Esox masquinongy and as always, bigger is better. If a fishing rod gets snapped, a finger or two ends up missing, or the boat just sinks, it's a small price for landing a New World Record MUSKY.

With luck, a new Illinois state record could happen any time. The Department of Natural Resources claim to have shocked several up while doing thier annual counts... So, cross your fingers

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  hazmail said:

Here is a pic of a man choking his Pickerel. Pretty fish-pete http://outdoors.webshots.com/photo/1321309857066678207BIikuU

That's a chain pickerel. Supposedly we have redfins in NJ but I've never seen one that I know of. May have caught some when I was younger but don't remember. I think their range is pretty limited here and they're protected.

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