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soft plastics web sites

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.......and be prepared to be BUSY. If you're product is good, people WILL find out and you WILL get orders........sometimes much more than you bargained for. :huh:

You take the good with the bad.

Before the website, I had a fairly decent customer base because I sold on Ebay for several years. I'd say my sales tripled when I opened a website........and my first website was junk. Heck......my second website sucked compared to most members on here. :lol:

If I could offer one piece of advise, I'd say prepare yourself for what could possibly happen..........and ALWAYS remember to keep it FUN! Have plenty of molds and materials ready for those orders that will inevitably come. I can't speak for the other guys, but it seemed like mine came in waves. I could get 15 to 20 orders in a day, then go 10 days without an order. Then maybe you get in a store or two.......perhaps three.......and all hell breaks loose.

I have learned that it's VERY difficult to make this a "full time" job because of the "feast or famine" business that we're in. Remember to try and keep it as simple as possible and always enjoyable for YOU, because when it's no longer fun........it's time to take a step back.

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  alsworms said:
.......and be prepared to be BUSY. If you're product is good, people WILL find out and you WILL get orders........sometimes much more than you bargained for. :huh:

You take the good with the bad.

Before the website, I had a fairly decent customer base because I sold on Ebay for several years. I'd say my sales tripled when I opened a website........and my first website was junk. Heck......my second website sucked compared to most members on here. :lol:

If I could offer one piece of advise, I'd say prepare yourself for what could possibly happen..........and ALWAYS remember to keep it FUN! Have plenty of molds and materials ready for those orders that will inevitably come. I can't speak for the other guys, but it seemed like mine came in waves. I could get 15 to 20 orders in a day, then go 10 days without an order. Then maybe you get in a store or two.......perhaps three.......and all hell breaks loose.

I have learned that it's VERY difficult to make this a "full time" job because of the "feast or famine" business that we're in. Remember to try and keep it as simple as possible and always enjoyable for YOU, because when it's no longer fun........it's time to take a step back.

That's some rally good advice. I am living proof that you may not be ready for what comes. I was buried and scared when I first went online. Ended up hiring people just to keep up. The wave buying is fact. You may get orders for 2-3 days straight and then nothing for a few days. Very hard tp plan.

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Thanks guys for all the helpful information. I think that after a year of researching and talking to ALOT of people,and with the knowlege of everyone on TACKLE UNDERGROUND I have a pretty good heads up! I have most of my ducks in a row, just need to catch that one that keeps flying around here and then I think we can open the shooting gallery! Thanks again guys! Tim

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Web site can be feast or famine. I have tapped into a market that can help steady some things up and get you a nice steady check as well.

At least more reliable than the day to day, week to week unknown of your site...

Gotta keep this one a secret for just a little longer though..... Sorry...


PS This is nothing new, I know some that are involved in this arena already but keep it quite....

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You can also use paid and organic search engine marketing to drive traffic to your site.

My site isn't even completed yet, and I'm already getting free traffic from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. I know ghost baits gets traffic via search engines (hope thats not what he considers his secret, but I was happy to see I was able to pass him on the phrase "soft plastic baits" in Google).

The service can be expensive, or if you have time you can find things you should be doing for your site easily online (Jim, I can list a few things you could do to pass right on by my site, as well as many others on terms you're not quite top yet). I just happen to be in the industry, so getting my site ranking well was second nature, can't wait to have time to finish the site.

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Any advice appreciated on the site as I am NOT a webmaster but did build my site from the ground up. I get a lot of hits but better, a lot of buys!!

I tried to make mine easy to navigate and then go from there.

My website is good for sales (about 25-30 sales a week) but I sell better elsewhere as of late....


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  dampeoples said:
Jim, quit teasing them about your streetcorner operation ;)

Hey....I'd go broke on the corner!!!! But I bet I could add something into my plastic and rent out space in my workshop...

Just a little whiff of this stuff and you will be good-to-go!!!:drool::sauced:

I already worry about the pyrex, microwave and the late night pouring. I am sure someday I might get a visit from my local "friends" wondering what is up!!!


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I Had A Three In The Morning Visit From The The Police They Said They Received A Call From A Neighbor About Constant Foot Traffic And A Smell That Is Being Blowed Out The Storage Shed With Fans.

Lol Guess They Thought I Sold And Made Some Nose Candy Or Something.but In The End The Two Cops Got A Bag Of Worms And Say They Will Be Back Before The Spring Spawn To Stock Up On Some Of My Back Yard Garage Baits.i Laugh Everytime I Think Of This Wish They Would Tell Me Which Neighbor Called.i Would Think Them For The New Customers.

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I Had A Three In The Morning Visit From The The Police They Said They Received A Call From A Neighbor About Constant Foot Traffic And A Smell That Is Being Blowed Out The Storage Shed With Fans.

Lol Guess They Thought I Sold And Made Some Nose Candy Or Something.but In The End The Two Cops Got A Bag Of Worms And Say They Will Be Back Before The Spring Spawn To Stock Up On Some Of My Back Yard Garage Baits.i Laugh Everytime I Think Of This Wish They Would Tell Me Which Neighbor Called.i Would Think Them For The New Customers.

LOL....that's good stuff right there..

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