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Hello From Texas

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Hey everybody, just found this forum and looks like a great place to visit and maybe stay for a while. I've thought about lure making but I just can't find the time between fishing, running a saltwater tackle shop, and building web sites for guys in the industry.

I might have some ideas for some saltwater plastics if anyone is interested and also interested in trying some new products in our store.


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Thanks for the Welcome everyone.

Hey Craig

Some here probably envy your situation. Careful on sharing your ideas here - if you plan to capitalize on them....

You guys fish skinny water?

Welcome aboard.

I hear you LedHed - if I do I'd be looking for some kind of partnership of sorts - if someone can build it, I can sure as heck sell it and build the website for it.

Nothing but skinny water fishing when I can and if I can catch a calm summer day will venture out in the deep water.

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Hello back from Texas.

I've been stalking the forum for a couple of months, and finally decided to dive on in. I've been in the Lone Star State for a little over a year and a half and previously spent around 20 years in Wyoming. Been tying flies for about twenty years (criminy, am I really that old!?) and pouring soft plastics for about 15. Mostly simple 1-piece jobs, but lately I've been getting into some more complex 2-piece molds.

Still getting used to fishing for monster bass with a mouth I can stuff two fists into. In Wyoming, it was trout, walleye, and other critters with teeth and smaller jaws.

I've already learned a great deal about the tricks of the trade in lure making and I hope to keep stealing ideas from all the creative, generous folks on the forum. If I ever come up with anything useful (hey...it could happen), I'll throw it out for others' consideration. Thanks!


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