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StoneCoal Tackle

Gonna be a busy winter for "StoneCoal Tackle"

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Hey Dave, you had asked about an artist rendering of the finished product. Well this isn't great but here's a scan of a computer image of the super market.......'er I mean house:lol:.


Dan, we have all the nailers etc. but mostly use them on large areas of sheathing and we use Paslode gas gun finish nailers for our trim work. All our rough framing is still nailed by hand for better control and precision. I always tell the guys that "rough framing" is just a figure of speech and not to be taken literally, LOL. I say "rough framing makes for rough finishing" so "start neat and keep it neat". Those wood I-Joists actually do have some crown in them but the nice thing about them is they are pretty consistent and a 40' I-Joist is probably not a heavy as a 20' 2X12 timber.

Bruce, those are the same glasses you mentioned and I know what you mean about wearing them over prescription glasses :mad:.

Pete, the exterior walls are framed out of 2X6's (actual size 1-1/2" X 5-1/2") and the interior walls are of 2X4's (1-1/2" X 3-1/2"). The headers are made from LVL Microlam beams and the I-Joist floor system rests on treated wood sill plates with OSB (oriented strand board) rim boards. The sub floor is 3/4" tounge and groove "Advantech" which will withstand an amazing ammount of weather without swelling or delaminating. The green wall sheathing is "Zip System" wall sheathing which has a proctective coating that along with taped seams eliminates the need for conventional house wrap. The sub flooring and wall sheathing are both Huber products, check them out at huberwood.com

Well it's been a busy week for us with good progress considering the weather. I'll try to load some pics and post later this weekend.

Thank you guys for your interest in this thread, hope you're still enjoying it.


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Well folks, as I said in my last post we had a busy week on the house. Even though we were rained or snowed out a couple times we made some pretty good progress.

Monday was a dreary but happy day :yeah::yeah::yeah:. A fellow contractor brought his crane truck and set our beams for us...............


above is the small one (28 footer). Below is a pic of the master bedroom area with it's three 42 foot beams as seen on tuesday prepping for rafters in the snow...........


Tuesday morning started out quite snowy.....................


......could hardly keep the snow off long enough to mark or cut a board!

However by afternoon the sky was clear and we were setting rafters:yeah:


End of the day brings the full moon rising over newly set rafters...........


Wednesday wasn't as productive with the view of the mountains being "canceled" about 10:30AM and us giving up at lunch time:mad:........


It did clear up wednesday night in time to see the total lunar eclipse and on the drive to the mountain top thursday morning this setting moon was pretty cool looking................pic is a little fuzzy but it's the best I could do in the dark.... while driving.......and drinking coffee......and eating a Little Debbie cake :lol:.


Thursday was better and the weather held good for the day. We got the rest of our main rafters up and it's starting to look like a house. Still have a long way to go before sheathing, with trimming tails, installing face boards and overhangs, framing skylight openings etc. but we're gaining!


We'll see what next week brings:)



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It's been awhile but I'm still here, been working long days and I've been out of town for the past three weekends straight so I've not had much time to post. The house is coming along pretty good and is mostly under shingles now. Here's a few pics of our recent progress.

Here the rafter tails are being trimmed.......


.....skylight hole being framed


...building overhangs


Sunny day, lunch on the roof (it was muddy everywhere else), and the Girl Scout cookies are here! Don't get much better than that!


..wringing every bit of light out of the day........


...coming along, dried in with a couple of sun tunnels installed.


And finally some shingles and skylights!


More to come when I get some time.

Hope someone is making lures and fishing!


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I had been wondering if I had missed a posting or if the thread had died; happy to see that production is moving ahead. So, after spending the bulk of the winter outdoors, what's tour opinion on global warming? I know Wisconsin reported a snowfall record for the year, I think it was 80" about 2 weeks ago.

Keep up the good work and as it starts warming up, maybe you can get some craving in during lunch.

Tight Lines

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Hello all, here was the scene at the job site this morning...........


....a foggy spring morning with the red buds in bloom and the leaves beginning to really pop. The sound of a waterfall in the distance and birds chirpping everywhere, pierced

every few minutes by the sound of a

turkey gobbling at the top of his lungs! Don't mind going to work at all on days like this:yay:

Again it's been awhile since I've posted any progress but things have been hopping. Lots happening with sub contractors such as the masons working on the two fireplaces.............seen here taking their materials through a window...


.....and here starting to build the firebox on the first floor fireplace.......

3-19-08GlenandBrianbuildingfireboxf.jpg?t=1208829913.....and the second floor fireplace almost roughed in........


The faces of both fireplaces will be finished with field stone gathered from the local area.

The electricians have been busy too with rough wiring and installing can lights, so we now have lots of light to work by but the drywaller will probably cringe when he walks in and sees a couple hundred cans to cut around :mad:.....


The HVAC guys have been busy installing the air handlers and duct work and we expect the drillers to come soon and start drilling the wells for the geo-thermal heating and cooling system. This will be the first house we've built with this type heating/cooling so we're anxious to see it all come together.

We've been busy with some final framing such as roughing in the stairs..


........framing platforms for the bathtubs...


.....adding a more elaborate porch roof than originally planned.......


...and we finally have some windows, 57 of them in fact along with 13 skylights, 2 sun tubes and 3 eight foot sliding patio doors! Quite a bit of glass in this one huh! And some of it's kinda high..........................


Hope everyone is still enjoying this thread. I still haven't built a lure this year and I've yet to go fishing either so this is all I have to contribute right now.:(

I'll try to throw a few more pics up for ya soon.

Hook a big'un for me,


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The place is really coming together nice. It's okay to make changes as long as the owner signs off on all the change orders, otherwise, it's generally on your dime. This weekend is the TU Meet in Clinton, MO and I think Pete is in route from down under and Phil will be coming in from the UK. I'm looking forward to finally getting to put a few names and faces together. Hope the construction continues right along and I hope you'll get some fishing in soon.

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Hello everyone,

I'm still here and we're still plugging away on the house.

Although the temps have been a little on the cool side, the hills are really turning green............



Even with the cool temps it sure beats this day....................................


Got lots of stuff going on lately including stonework on the fireplaces, rough wiring, rough plumbing, soffit and facia, siding and setting tubs and showers.

Here you see the "Great Room" strewn with fieldstone and not just any old fieldstone but some unusual rocks with lots of character......................


........like this piece of swiss cheese


and this big eyeball.........


....these weired color patterns........


Or how about this "dinosaur head"...................


or am I the only one who sees it? :lol:

Anyways, start putting them all together and they look pretty cool.......


The stone with the mortised out area at the upper left corner of the firebox was from and old barn and held the tennon of a wood beam. Here it will serve as a match box, holding a handful of long stem matches. The mantel will be oak with a big flat screen tv above, the lower box to the right will hold firewood and the upper box will hold video/audio equipment.

Next post, some siding pics.



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Here's a few pics of the "James Hardy" cement siding and accessories. It comes prefinished and is tough stuff with low maintenance.

....Nice woodgrain finish and wide trim....


......Making arch trim and keystone..........


.......once the trees are all leafed out the house should blend in pretty well, LOL


The house has a spacious 36' X 28' guest bedroom with bathroom upstairs with patio door leading onto a small balcony.


.....in this photo we see the supports for the balcony and also the water pipes and drain for the bath protruding from the wall.


The comode and lavatory for the guest bathroom will be mounted on the exterior of the house and will be accessible by climbing out the bathroom window. This is being done to discourage guests from overstaying their welcome :whistle:...............................................just kidding, the pipes run perpendicular to the floor joists and have to be slid in from the outside before the siding can go any further.

Here's a shot of one of the showers...........................


Here's the back side..........sure glad this thing came preplumbed!


Well, that's all for now.

More to come,


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James Hardy (Another great Aussie company) -- like the way you finished the cladding around the windows, something they can not match at home. You have probably posted it , but where is this house? - I have probably drove past it recently. pete

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Hey Pete, the house is located in the little community of Ireland, West Virginia. If you visited Vince you were probably within a few hours of me.

Ireland is not much more than a wide spot in the road but they do have a post office (about the size of a one car garage) and they have a cool "Irish Spring Festival" complete with "Road Bowling".

Glad you made it home safely, sure wish I could have made it to Clinton for the TU gathering. Maybe next year.

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Hello all,

Once again alot has happened on the house since my last post. We are now working on interior trim, tile etc. so here's a few pics to catch you up a little.

Drywall being delivered, windows weren't quite big enough so we cut a hole in the wall.....


Drywall going up.......


Drywall being taped and filled.........




Ceilings being textured.............


Drywaller taking a break..........


Master plumbers installing one of the bathrooms....................:lol: it's amazing how many times you end up moving these things over the course of a project!


Drilling the wells ( eight of them, 180' deep) for the geo-thermal heating/cooling system...........


Grouting the pipes into the wells.........


This is "Spot", he was born about three weeks ago and spends most of his days near by. He was barely dry and very wobbly when I snapped this pic but he is growing fast. Usually lays within 30 or 40 feet of us! Knows he's safe I guess.


Hope to post a few more pics later today.


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Here's a few more pics.

The stone work is now finished on the downstairs fireplace.......


most of the walls are painted and trim work is in progress..........


most of the walls are painted in a stone grey neutral color but there will be a splash of color here and there.......


here the wires for the radiant heat are going in under the floor tile........


On a sad note we lost a man this week, "Tiny" was a big man, hard worker and dedicated. We buried him out back, that's what he would have wanted. It took Jeff all day to dig the grave.......................................


Just kidding, the hole is for the underground propane tank which will fuel the huge Kohler generator capable of powering the entire house.


Here's "Spot" lounging by the house again............


And just for fun here are a couple "then and now" shots.......................





Happy 4th of July!!


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The place has really changed over last 6 months. The stone work is incredible; is that all field stone in that finished fireplace? That much stone should help keep the house cool in summer and after a day of burning wood, help keep it warmer in the winter. I'm looking forward to seeing the kitchen this place is going to has when its done - should be a pleasure to prepare a meal.

I think it's a little odd that Spot likes to stay that close and get separated from mom at that age... Or are you seeing mom hanging around too? The place is looking grand and the new owners should enjoy it for many years to come and I don't think they'll ever tire of the views; the windows are more like live canvasses that always change. Good luck.

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