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Shad Style 9 w/Recessed Eyes

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You might want to give Shawn a call - see what he has. I am interested in the same modification but would rather order a mold that can do the recessed eyes as opposed to trying to modify one myself. Too much time/labor and couldn't guarantee the results. You can always add conical grips also instead of the barbs. Think there is another member looking for the recessed eyes….

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It is a relatively easy modification and can be done with a few basic tools including a drill press. I modified the Do-It Shad head Jig (SHB-5-A) to accept 0.25" eyes using appropriate sized round aluminium stock readily available at hobby stores. Once the mold is drilled, high temp glue will secure the aluminium plugs.



Good Luck,


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  LedHed said:
Excellent mold modification. Do you have a pic of the back?

Please pardon my ignorance, I am not sure what you are asking. The mold is symmetrical and as such I have performed identical modifications to both sides. The aluminium plugs were counter bored using a forstener bit yielding a flat bottomed hole. The hole did not continue through the entire mold. I hope this helps.


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No - my bad, I thought you went all the way through and plugged the hole.

I was thinking (part of the problem) that you would drill a small pilot hole on the inside cavity at the eye location. That would be the center of the eye, close the mold and drill through both sides, using the pilot hole, with a larger drill bit. Then insert the plug – that’s where I was wondering how you would secure the plugs. Your reply cleared up the foggy thinking – thnx.

Have you thought about doing the shad 9?

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