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T.U. saves the day ! Great advice taken !

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Thanks guys, again and again and again. As a small time plug maker T.U. saved me on the red hook issue by recommending SPIKE-IT blade dip, to change the 5000+ v.m.c. hooks i already have in stock. Its cheap, easy, and effective ! When shipping rods T.U. gave me great advice on shipping through the U.S. postal service and lightweight irrigation tubes with end caps bought reasonably priced from Home Depot. Alot of time and trouble was spared from the free advise given by my fellow members. I just thought i would start a thread for others to discribe their sucess in following the free advise from the great T.U. members. Thanks again Smirkplug !!!

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One of my favorite tips or advice given was for making wood bodies symmetrical. By blacking out two mating surfaces with a black marker pen before gluing the pieces together, you get a permanent centerline along your body. No matter how much material gets removed, the centerline remains.

For making masters for molding, I take this a step further and glue a thin sheet of black card between the pieces of body. This gives a thicker line as my eyes are not that good these days.

This may not have been the exact point or purpose of this thread, but I would like to thank the poster of this tip. I tried to find the name with a search, but failed.

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I dont know that I could say just one thing as there have been so many tips that I have read here in TU ... (Tackle University) ... I have been out of lure making for a long time and this has helped bring me part of the way up to speed.

Thanx Guys and I hope I can help all a long.


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