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Have you been in the Member Submitted Tutorials (MSTs) lately...

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Hey TU Members,

I invite you to give the Member Submitted Tutorials (MSTs) a look and see some of the progress made so far. We are just getting started in this area and I hope to get it back to its formal glory.

If you suddenly get a PM from Spike-A-Pike, you'll find out that I may be trying to draft you for something I saw you post on the site and would like to add to the MSTs. I have also had a member or two ask if they can submit an entry - for anyone wondering what the answer to that question is, let me answer that for you right now... YES! Please feel free.

The MSTs format is changing to the Portable Document Format also known as PDF, and I'll convert them when they are ready to be posted. I can work with MS Word, MS Works, ANSI text, PDF, html, and some WordPerfect.

Common MST elements can include:

  • Materials required list
  • Tools required list
  • WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, NOTES – Any SAFETY related information is always the first concern. I don’t think any of us wants to see anyone injured if it could have been prevented. If it makes sense to remove a watch or wedding band rather than risk loss or damage of a finger or limb, let’s do it. If you should be wearing a dust mask, respirator, eye protection, face shield, gloves, apron, etc., please address it. You are the Subject Matter Expert and I will rely on your recommendations.
  • Step order (always default to a beginner’s sequence)
  • Tips.

Pictures and Photos:

My preference is JPEG format; it seems to always look pretty good both in print and on a computer monitor. I can also work with GIF and BITMAP. If you have something else, let me know and I’ll see if I can find a converter.

And finally, if there is something in an existing MST that is incorrect or a safety matter that needs to be addressed, please bring it to my attention and we will get it resolved. Thanks for all the support to date.

If there are any questions, but you don’t want to post them in this forum, please feel free to send a PM or email. Ask my friends, I don’t betray secrets.


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Just visited the tutorial section, fine job your doing, Bruce. The pdf format is nice!

If you haven't given this some consideration already: the sticky at the top of the Hard bait forum featuring Crawchuck's slip mold procedure would make a good candidate for the tutorial section.

Thanks Again, for your efforts!


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The simple part was grabbing it, putting it into MS Word, and converting it to PDF. Now all I have to do is make sure I don't loose the comments after I get it posted. Maybe I should get redg8r to do an entire site backup before I give it a try.

Yankee Jigger.

The cool thing is I learn something new just about 2 or 3 times a day around here.

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MS PowerPoint is a good program, but I don't think it's the answer. If somebody would want to do it that way, I could reformat it into the TU MST format... yup, we have our own style.

The current goal is to put MSTs into the current online user format or new PDF format. This way, people can download them and read at thier own pace.

If there is anyone attending the TU meet April 25-27, 2008 that would like to work on a MST during that time, let me know. We can figure out what we'll need in the way of materials, equipment, etc., and do it there. There's nothing we can't do with enough lead time.

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  KcDano said:
Just visited the tutorial section, fine job your doing, Bruce. The pdf format is nice!

If you haven't given this some consideration already: the sticky at the top of the Hard bait forum featuring Crawchuck's slip mold procedure would make a good candidate for the tutorial section.

Thanks Again, for your efforts!


After some thought and a little creativity (something that seems to be disappearing lately) I was able get Crawchuck's slip mold tutorial loaded in the MST forum...

Hey Rocky... watch me pull a rabbit of my ###...

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  hazmail said:
I have been reading redg8r MST on reducing pictures, this is probably a stupid question but what does "&Amp" mean- It is all through it and I have seen it in other tutes too. pete


The term "&Amp" is actually a piece of coding that some how comes to the forefront of the test or software coding. It shows ut shen someone attempts to save a few strocks in thier typing using "&" for "and". It's just a computer, not a smart machine... (hee-hee):yay:

Don't worry, I haven't been every where yet, give me a few more months...


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Yes, they are copyrighted materials. All of the Tutorial PDFs come with the following statements. By law, violators could be prosecuted. Jerry may want to chime in...


Neither the author nor the distributor/s, or any other contributor of this information are in any way responsible for physical, financial, moral or any other type of damage incurred by following the suggestions in this text.

Please adhere to all product safety warnings & practice common sense.

The following published Information is the property of tackleunderground.com & Jerry Goodwin Inc. Content may not be sold distributed or redistributed without express permission.


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ut shen"? Looks like a fat fingered typo, not to be confused with fatfingers.

Hey, hey, hey! I'm wandering around in here minding my own business and I come upon this??

A true fatfingers typo looks more like this: "Type O" ...It is a masterful mis-key, a glorious foe paw (yea, you heard me..."foe paw"), a mystical mal-enunciation of the digital intentions of the man, whose "hands felt just lke two balloons."


And don't you's boys ever fergit it.

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