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fading colors

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Anybody have a problem with colors fading in a bag of finished baits with salt and scent added in the bag. The saturated salt granules seemed to suck the color from the baits turning them much clearer.

I guess I wont be using salt. i hope the scent does not have the same effect. I had to melt down quite a few bags of baits and start over with them. Alot of lost time today.

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The mold makers will like this, but my advise is more molds. Watermelon will fade for me if I reheat it too many times. More molds=less reheats. I try to work it so that at most, I have an initial and 2 heat ups. Most colors don't have a problem, but I have hundreds of baits that I poured 2 years ago before I figured it out, that are faded pretty. Rarely happens now though.


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is it just one color? or is it different colors also?

is there salt in the plastic when you pour or only on the outside.

salt will absorb the scent and maybe your scent could be interacting with the worm.

Try them in a bag with only salt and then try a bag with only scent of cource try a bag with only the worms.

remelting them might not be a good way to go as all the scent and salt will be mixed in and you might have the same problem.

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the sticks had salt in the formula. Then bagged them up with external salt and several drops of scent added. The salt seemed to absorb the color of the scent as well as sucking the color off the bait. The re-do's I did last night i only added scent into the bag, and no exterior salt.

I was pouring three different molds at a time. And its hard to say but probably was pouring a cup of plastic. I really cant remember if I was getting through all 3 molds before I had to re-heat. That sounds like a logical explination I guess so I'll try to be more conscious of how many re-heats a cup goes through. Its in a fairly cold environment where I'm pouring so plastic probably tends to cool off a little quicker.

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Chad I am guessing the oil from your scent is drawing into the sticks through the salt . This happens alot with bags that have the scent added.

if you add no scent in the bag you shouldnt have a problem.

one other thing is there is scent in the bag and it doesnt have UV inhibators(sp) it may change color when hit with sun light. Worm oil does that sometimes too.

is your scent water based or oil based?

water based scents will fade salt inpregnated worms its a common occourance.

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I would agree that bags packaged with just salt, before the scent was added were not a problem. It seems to be the combination of the two caused this occurance. Possibly the overheating too, but i did not think that was ever an issue with any of these runs that I noticed.

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Man, I am still having problems. went out tonight and the batch i had left cooling on trays had a bunch of faded baits. to reduce heatups I went to making 4oz batches instead of cup fulls and still had the problem. This time, no bags or salt or sent added afterward. Just scent in the mix.

This is down right frustrating. Almost all my time tonight was re-melting faded baits and re-pouring.

Another wasted night.

BTW, these were watermelon color

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