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I know evreyone here does BASS

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But what about crappie, catfish and walleyes and other types?

Over the past few years I have found their are some definate diffrences to the way you target each type of fish. Yes you can catch channel, blues and flat heads all on night crawlers, but if you want ONLY blues, or channels and most definately flatheads a diffrent mindset comes into play.

Does anyone here go for smallies, saugeyes? I know a few have mentioned muskies. My only muskie was a 3" fry that attacked my 4" huskyjerk 2 years ago. So dang small he didnt even have pigment built up on his sides yet!

This year I am doing things a bit diffrent since I have the website starting up. My digital camera will be following me evreywhere as long as batteries hold out to capture the fish before they go back in.

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We have a nice population of crappie and smallmouth on our river, and I tend to use tubes and small trout worms for those. I imagine I could catch a fair share of crappie with jigs, etc. if I knew what I was doing :?

Crappie is by far my favorite eatin' freshwater fish and I always wanna keep a couple when I catch 'em. So.......the "catch and release" side of me tells me to fish for bass...........

Hope you have better luck with your digital camera than me. Here's how a typical day of fishin' is for me:

With the digital camera: no bites

Without the digital camera: 25-fish day......GUARANTEED :D

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if your fishing a spot with all types of fish try a light hair jig, if you use the right hair they look just like a minnow. In one day ive cought nice largemouth smallmouth crappie bluegil even a few small stripers.

Here is my favorite little jig 1/16oz with a big 2/0 hook silver fox hair fat plastic trailer for a very slow fall










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For crappies: small 2in. twisters or hair jigs in various colors a certain depth under a bobber and slowly reeled in. If you reel in slowly in 3 ft intervals, allowing a pause, you get some great action if you have your lure at the depth the crappie are relating at.

For saugeyes, walleye: small twisters bounced off the bottom or just reeled straight in over rocky points and areas of current. Jerkbaits and cranks will also work. As will tubes.

For smallies, find a windswept rocky point or a point where weeds are in shallow and end deeper. Fish jerkbaits inside-out, in other words, sit boat shallow and cast deep. Tubes bounced along same areas work great. Just got back from Canada while fishing for northern pike. Pike were not cooperating but the smallies were. Had 100 fish days of smallies with suspending jerkbaits and tubes in areas mentioned above. A few northerns also fell to suspend jerks.

For catfish: I've always just used heavy sinkers and chicken livers.

For carp: I've put wheaties in a small bowl with water until they soaked up some of the water, rolled the flakes into a ball and put on a hook. Carp definitely eat their wheaties.

Those are just a few things I use here in PA,WV,MD, as well as Canada.

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