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Pit Bass

making molds from hard and soft masters

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Hi guys, I'm a beginner in hand pours and I'm having trouble making original molds. I've been using plaster and Durhams water-putty to make molds from soft masters. This works ok, but creating original soft-masters is tough. Recently, I've made some hard masters using sculpey clay. I figured that a hard master would need a soft mold-medium, so I tried the silicone caulking mold. It kinda worked, but the detail level was poor. Can I use a hard master to build a hard mold like plaster or water-putty ? Thanks for any help.


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Depends on the detail of the master-form. Simple, less detailed forms just have to be oiled up with vaseline before sitting in plaster. Clay must be dry and hard, as well as oiled, or the water in the plaster will react with it and turn it soft. But, if that happens, just pull out clay pieces to free the mold cavity. Sometimes 2 part molds are easier to work with when form parts are deeper than the main axis of the form (shad).


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