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EZ plastic paint

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Did a little tinkering tonight in the ol' garage and came up with a way to paint soft plastic. I used clear PVC cement, thinned with a little acetone and MEK and added hi lite powder. It dries instantly and you can't rub it off. I also tried regular colorant and powder paint for jigs. The worm colorant/ powder paint worked but would rub off with a little effort. Maybe with all the awesome tallent on this board we can come up with a few other additives that might work and expand the color combo's. With a little more thinner it could be shot thru an airbrush?

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It sounds very interesting. Do you think it will leave a bad taste on the bait? When it dries do you think there would be much residue from the PVC, Acetone, and MEK. I know MEK will mix with water. I wonder if it would be toxic to fish. This is the link to the EPA information on MEK http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/hlthef/methylet.html. Looks like you need to protect yourself. Keep posting your results. Thanks

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I can see adding acetone but what is the purpose adding the MEK?

PVC glue is made up off three main ingrediants (sp?), MEK, acetone and THF. The PVC primer is mostly MEK. I tried it with just the PVC glue and no thinner and it worked but was just a little thick for my taste

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I used to paint my tubes using clear PVC cement and lure dye,about 15 years ago.Couln't stand the vapors,even with good exhaust.Thick and tough to apply,and dries too fast.Even though they looked good,I gave up.Couldn't see where they caught fish any better,and that is why I quit the process.

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