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I have made both but now I use POP.

The resin will pick up more of the finer details but there is a down side. If you do a lot pouring at one time in a resin mold it can get hot enough to warp the mold. I solved this problem for the most part by inserting 6" nails between the baits. The other problem I found with resin is that as the heat increases so does the smell of the resin which will impregnate the baits.

POP on the other hand does not warp and has no smell. It doesn't pick up the really fine detail like resin will and it doesn't like to be dropped from any height; lol. In my mind if you seal it properly the baits are more shiny.

There was a discussion about adding cement to the pop powder to make it stronger. I haven't tried this yet, so I can't comment on it.

Hope this helps.


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