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Home Made Scent

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You can make scent with vaseline. Just put a container of vaseline in the microwave for like 15 sec or just until you see it become liquidy. Then you can add garlic powder and/or garlic juice and stir (or another scent you want to do). Just let it harden and you'll have a long lasting jar of garlic scent. Another option is to buy some liquid scent and add a little of it to the vaseline. Plus a tiny bit of the scented vaseline on your hands will mask any soap or gas or other scents that the fish wont like.

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It almost sounds to me like smelly jelly. Maybe thats all they do is add scent and some coloring. I dont know how they make candle scents but I am wandering if you could use something like that. Hmmmm. Pumpkin or Apple scented senko's. Maybe the female bass would like that fu fu smellin' stuff. LOL I wander if you took Gulp or Powerbait liquid and add it into the vaseline along with some glitter if it would retain its stench and last longer and you could put it on anything.

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