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What Do You Fish For and Where?

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MastaRapp, love the order, but the pike and muskie go hand in hand most of the time!

Angler310, I have never thought about fishing while I am in Maine. Are there any large reservoirs or is it mostly small lakes? I heard about the muskies eating all the landlocked salmon in the lakes (sorry to hear that) so those lakes must be pretty huge!

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In the summer I usually go wading or canoeing rivers around here for Smallmouth. Once in a while hook into a pike, but not often enough. In the winter I'm usually after perch and pike, but lately all Ive been getting is Largemouth. With that said there isn't a kind of fish I would say no to. My friends and fly fish and bowfish for carp, good fun.

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yeah. But hey, on a muskie lake w/ pike, you gotta love the consistent action if the muskies aren't biting. Big Sand Lake in Vilas County Wisconsin has soooo many hammer handle pike, you sometimes wonder whether you would catch more muskie if they weren't always tying up the lines!

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