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Bone Color Recipe

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Thanks Nova,

I gotta get my hands on some brown now. Still waiting on my last order now I gotta reorder. Mo Money Mo Money$$$$ I think what I have spent so far in molds, pots, plastic, glitters, colors and aluminum rods I could have bought enough tubes, beavers worms and swimbaits to last for the next five years. LOL I guess its only money and it addicting.

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I know what you mean. That's why I make almost all my molds and rods/irons myself. I've been at it since 92' so you can just imagine the $ I've spent over the years(shhh don't tell the wife;lol).

Look at it this way; if you need to have a hobby that will give you a scense of accomplishment and satisfaction, I can't think of any other that does it better for me.


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