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Powdered Coloring

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I recently had a request for a bait in a clear chartreuse, a color known for bleeding. I received my coloring today and it is a powdered coloring. Out of 30 different pigments or more, and 8 years of pouring plastic, this is my first encounter with powdered coloring. I normally weigh my other coloring. I was just wondering if I use this coloring the same way. I'm mixing large batches, so the number of drops wouldn't help much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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The only charteuse that Im sure won't fade is OIL PASTEL.I hate to recommend it because almost everyone puts in too much.And it seems I'm the only one who likes them is me.Hobby Lobby has a set of 12 FLOURESCENT colours.Enough colors to mess around with.If you mix two colors in the raw plastic,and pour,the color sometimes changes to a whole new color after 24 hours.By them selves they are very stable.


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Cut off a small piece of the amount you want,and place it in the hot plastic.It desolves,and mixes easily.This is the oil pastels used in art work like painting a picture.I started to use the pastels many years ago when I couldn't get the colors I wanted.It works,but with some strange results.You might pour some brown lures,and wake up the next day and find they turned green.I found by using the single color and not mixing(blending)gives the best results.You can let colors that usually bleed into each other rest against each other with no transfer.I hate when my white picks up stray color from other lures.

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