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Finally Completed Work Station!

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Here is my new work Station for pouring and assembling fishing rods. I used a 8ft folding plastic craft table, raised it up on 8" blocks so it would be at shop counter height 38"-40"'s. I then got a piece of 3/4 PTS plywood and laid it on top of the table and mounted 2 8ft 2x2's on sides of table to screw the plywood to so it can't slide off but is removeable just lift off. Afetr that I made a 3ft by 2ft hood out of plywood and 2x4's and used a 8" duct with damper, and a 8" inch duct fan to remove fumes. It moves out 500cfm's of air. Next I used a floor register box cut it to the shape of microwave, and hook it to another duct fan. This fan is smaller it is a 4" duct with a 4" duct fan, it moves 50 cfm's of air. This should collect the fumes blown out by exhaust of microwave. The hood should collect the rest from mixing and pouring. I already had the 4" in my basement from a old dryer no longer in use so why not use it the more the better with fumes. Finally I installed 2- 4ft lights with 4 T-8 bulbs in it each for light. Hope you guys like it. Any feedback or things I should improve let me know. Scott



















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Are you going to be rod making as well as pouring plastics? The reason I ask is if you are planning to vent solvent based materials, your fans could well be a fire hazard. Please take the time to check the type of fans in the hood... if the windings are exposed in the air stream, the normal operation could cause a spark and start a fire in the duct work or the outside of the house.


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Thanks for all the commments. I worked hard to try and plan out the whole thing but you never know sometimes you miss things.

Spike-A-Pike: Quote

"I ask is if you are planning to vent solvent based materials, your fans could well be a fire hazard. Please take the time to check the type of fans in the hood... if the windings are exposed in the air stream, the normal operation could cause a spark and start a fire in the duct work or the outside of the house."

I currently will not use to remove solvent based products, I'm going to use it for just worm pouring. The fans I purchased at home depot one is a on the microwave 4" the other is a 8"inline duct fan. The motor is inside the coupler and I'm pretty sure the motor is exposed like the ones you see in bathroom fans? The jury is still out wheter to wear a respirator? I really smell it very little, most of the time I only smell the scents, that could be covering up the smell of plastic? I only smell it when mixing and pouring and I do that under the hood. Anyway thats all for the comments, hope you liked it . Scott

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