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Expanded PVC

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I currently carve my baits out of mountian ash, and I am looking into using expanded PVC. I was wanting to know of a good source (all i can find is 3mm-25mm sheets that are 4' x 8') to purchase thicker sheets and/or smaller sheet sizes. I guess you could epoxy two sheets together in order to cut out a thicker bait blanks. Also, if anyone works with expanded PVC, how do you like it?

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Someone here recommended polyurethane decking from Lowe's. I went online, and saw they have a polyurethane decking available in 12', 16', and 20' lengths. Sorry, but I don't remember the brand name.

Rip off the outer, finished layer on the table saw, and then shape it with your normal procedure. Bear in mind that polyurethane is a petro chemical, and machining it may give off gases. I don't know that for a fact, but it seems logical.

Maybe the person who tipped me off to this will chime in with the quirks of the material, such as how you attach the hook hangers, hinges, and eye ties, etc..

I haven't tried it myself. After I thought about it, I realized I was better off sticking to wood because I only make a few larger baits for myself and my friends, and I am comfortable with wood.

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All of my lures are made out of this now. Great stuff and very durable. Be careful with the Home Depot/Lowes PVC trim boards though, they do not take impact well. Had a glider completely snap in half where the weight holes were that was accidently cast into the rocks on the bank (don't think you would have this problem on a fish, but not worth the risk). To get the good stuff you have to break down and buy a 4x8 sheet but most sign/plastic suppliers will have a small sample piece you can test out. The great part about this stuff for pike and muskie is that tooth punctures don't matter anymore!



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The great part about this stuff for pike and muskie is that tooth punctures don't matter anymore!

Cliff, you'll need to forgive my ignorance on this subject as I have yet to make lures from anything other than wood.. But when you said "tooth punctures dont matter anymore"....Did you simply mean the material doesnt rot from surface punctures, as Im sure it wouldnt..Or do you mean teeth actually cannot puncture the surface period?.. If so, then I gotta get me some to play with for sure!..If this stuff can be cut & shaped & also stand up to toothy monsters then I want to try it out..



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Ohio, look in the yellow pages for sign makers. The stuff they use comes in sheets and you can buy it in smaller quantities (other than 4 x 8 sheets). It also comes in different thicknesses.

Its called sintra signboard and it makes a great bait. It cuts like wood, shapes like wood, but is a bit more difficult to sand smooth after shaping. You'll need to clear it with epoxy before painting in order to get a glass-smooth finish.

It is impervious to water, which is why having it punctured by teeth is not a worry; the water cannot "run throught" the bait and cause it to swell or become water logged. It is virtually waterproof and floats like wood.

Drilling it is nice because there is no grain which can cause the bit to swerve and walk as the bit sinks.

The stuff sold at Home Depot and Lowes is a bit too brittle, in my opinion, and will chip and/or snap too easily, for musky work at least. Also a lot of the stuff that comes in length at Home Depot and Lowes has a groove cut down the length, which limits the usefulness of the bait because the groove will run through the length of larger baits...not good.

Sintra is not that hard to find and once you try it you will love it. The baits I've made from it have been torture-test by way of musky fishing with zero failures.

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Mark, for the time, you'll have in a handful of baits, I wouldn't even fool with the stuff from Lowes or Home Depot, it is too prone to chipping from my experience. I tried it and was dissatisfied with it overall. The sintra signboard is superior in a variety of ways.

Hook hangers and line ties are installed in signboard the same as you would for a wood bait.

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in Bulgaria this is named DURAFORM, used for outdoor labels,posters,.....

http://www.snimka.bg/profile.php?edit_photo&photo_id=5339294 is this is the same material?



if you interested how is it made ,the man who did it first in Bulgaria is named "churulik-penco"

this is the link to Bulgarian lures forum, I think that the fotos is ok to understand,if you hawe some Questions, I try to answer

this is the link,just follow the puctures :)

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I use sintra for my cage business, I use the 10 mil.

I throw scrap pieces away everyday,

I am more than willing to send you some for shipping price only.

Fat fingers, I would like to see what you have made out of the stuff.

As far as gluing pieces together you use weld-on just for this type of material ( I would have to look at what # the weld-on is, I think 1007 ?

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