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Anyone have a recipe for Zoom Sweet Potato

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Hello there. I am new to making my own soft plastics and am wondering if anyone has a recipe for Zoom's Sweet Potato?

I realize that this is a special color production from Zoom but any help is appreciated. I found a mold from Del-Mart that should work well in my area and Sweet Potato has always worked well for me.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Hey paxpress,,,,,I'm no expert,,,fairly new to this myself,,,,but I can tell you that,,yes you can mix colors and plastics from different suppliers,,,,,the best thing I could tell you is to do what I did,,,I spent alot of time reading all of the threads,,from number 1 to the end,,,,and use the "Search",,,,if you have a glitter question just type in glitter and you will find your answer . And if you can't find what your looking for just ask,,,,these are a great bunch of guys with alot of knowledge . Oh,,and yes they use glitter.


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Here give this one a try 10 ounces of plastic, 12 drops of lurecraft sweet potato 2 drops of bright red 2 table spoons of floured salt. Thats what I have been using.Hope that helps

Does the red deepen the color to more of a redish brown or does it just make it more of an orange hue? Also, what is floured salt?

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I've been lookin through zoom's sites and in my books,,,and I can't find that color anywhere,,,,I saw LC's sweet potato,,,,what does zoom's look like ,,,does it look anything like LC's ,,what kinda flake ?


Zoom is like a soft orange with hints of yellow and brown colors mixed in, with black flake. Now understand, I may not know the "correct" color identifications so bare with me :lol: untill I learn the bait making terminology.


Here is the best picture of it I can find.

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dabskie, what is LC's? Are you refering to Lurecraft? If you are, I have no idea what there color looks like.

paxpress,,here is a pic of LC's sweet potato,,,not even close,,,Yeah,,LC is lurecraft. I like the color that you showed,,,would really work good here on the River for smallies. Will have to try and figure it out.











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Just my non-plastic-bait-pouring-opinion. I think the Zoom plastic is more clear if I'm not mistaken so.... I have no idea what I'm talking about but... I think the starting plastic is clear so maybe just don't use as much color as to leave it more clear??? I don't know. I'm a noob at plastics.....

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I still have some Zoom chunks in sweet potato and they aren't translucent. I too am new at this so the plastic may start out clear but the coloring added may change the clarity of the final product.

The chunks will fade to more of a matted yellowish brown over time loosing some of the "orange" look.

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I use MF orange pumpkin and MF red no-bleed with black flake. The red will deepen the color. Sorry, I don't have measures on this one, but I'd guess about 10 - 12 drops of the orange and 3-4 of the red in 4oz plastic. These two colors will make a dead nuts match to Zoom's. Just play with it a bit. If you want a cool variation, add a small amount of gold hi-light and some small orange or gold flake.

Your chunks are probably fading to yellow because the salt is absorbing water over time.

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