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Question about fishing in Wyoming and Montana

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Hello guys,

The wife and I are going to take a trip to the Yellowstone area around the last of May. I have never been there, nor I know anything about fishing in that area. If some of you guys could give me some ideas on what to fish for and where, I would appreciate it. Also, if you know of some guides since I won't have a boat. About the only thing I have seen video on is cutthroat trout. That really looks exciting. I probably won't have but a day or two to fish, but I would like to try.

I appreciate any and all help you can give.

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I have a cousin who moved to Montana last spring to learn to become a guide. I know the goal was to learn to hunt big game including bear. She has always been a heck of good hunter, fisher woman, and outdoors woman. She completed her training last summer and was guiding people last fall. Let me see if her outfit does fishing trip or if she knows of a service that does.


Email sent at 05:55 02/22/2008

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Definitly will be trout of some sort. Flyfishing is the norm here. The yellowstone, and slough creek are my favs. This time of year you may be dealing with run-off. My advice would be yellowstone lake, there is some great fishing in the lake. Call around or stop into the fly shops in Jackson. All of theses shops are great, they will point you in the right direction.

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I really appreciate the replies!! I will check out the fly shops in Jackson and I really want to make slough creek.

I hunt wild boar, deer, bison, etc. I want to hunt bear, but my wife said she wouldn't be here when I got back if I went. She thinks the bear will get me. If I go up on slough creek, maybe I can wrestle and stab one. Surely she couldn't interpret a fishing trip as a bear hunting trip .

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For bigger fish try spinfishing rapalas countdown 5-7-11 in rivers like the south fork Shoshone out of Cody Wyoming, with brown trout to 6 pounds, or The Gallitin river around Big Sky Montana for the same sizes. Henry lake about 1-1/2 hours south in Idaho gets big Cutts. to 12 lbs. around the cliffs area. Have fun and keep your catch on a stringer at least 40 yards away. don't tie it to your belt.

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