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Createx white problem

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Ive about had it with createx, especially white color. It seems no matter what I do, I cant get white to spray right. Ive tried heating up the paint, retarder, cleaner, but it keeps spraying herky jerky or just clogs entirely. Im ready to drop this stuff off a cliff! Any sugestions? BP

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I believe that the problem is that you have the needle in your airbrush pushed up too far into the tip and or you do not have enough pressure while shooting it. If the needle is pushed all of the way up into the tip then the paint is comming through too thin and the air from the gun is drying parts of it before it hits the bait. I have had this happen before. Move the needle back out of the tip some and test shoot the paint on something. Also too little pressure can cause this too. Shoot it somewhere between 16 - 20 psi. I start shooting createx at 18 psi and adjust as needed.


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I run my pressure so when I have the air brush wide open I am still showing about 20 - 24 on my gauge , it bounces back up to 30 or so . I could probaly shoot peanut butter if I wanted . I use a badger , they are a little more tolerent I have found . I have a few VL's that I couldnt get used to cause they clogged on me so much .

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I use a #3 tip in my Paasche VL for all of my shooting. The 18psi. is what is set on the pressure gauge before I pull the trigger. If you still have problems with clogging and chunks after increasing the pressure some and or moving the needle back, then thinning may be the only thing left that I can think of.


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I found this only happening if the white is exposed to air or out in the open. I sqeeze the air out of the tube of the remainder not being used .As the paint is used I may change bottles too a smaller bottle to keep the air out. I use a cheap badger air brush and since it is a wide spray to begin with > it may be why the paint doesn't clog. If it makes it threw the tube then it will make it without clogging.I don't thin but I do warm it up .All my createx get to thick no matter what color if exposed to the air . Check with a local wildlife artist or taxidermist.I found a local wildlife art supplier near me and the paint is thiner than createx and easyer. Doesen't matter what type I use because its the top coat that protects.You will be able to work wildlife art paint (for airbrush) 100% easyer but its a interier paint.

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If you are using a Paasche airbrush then count the number of rings at the top of the needle. This will tell you the size. Don't forget to use the tip for the #3 needle also. They are not marked. Normally Paasche kits come with 3 needles. 1 the smallest, 3 middle, and 5 the largest opening and needle. If you need to know how to install one let me know.


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