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using funnels for spots, bars, etc

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I'm probably not understanding the question, but pouring an egg sac is not that difficult when doing it by hand. While it is a challenge, I don't really see the need for injectors, funnels, etc.

This involves a process that I call plastic "hopping". To use your swimbait picture as an example, the light color is poured......then the egg sac.......then the dark back. After the belly is poured, you will pour your orange egg sac (just a touch.....in the middle of the cavity). As you pour the dark back, you reach the egg sac, "hop" over it, and continue filling the cavity.

The reason for this.....

All 3 of your colors should be really hot and poured within seconds of each other. If you don't hop your egg sac, the orange color will run down the center of the cavity, and you will have more of a "vein" instead of a "sack".

Keep in mind that this is a pretty experienced pour. It was one of my biggest challenges. However, with some of the talent I see on here now, most guys should pick it up a lot quicker than the dummy writing this post. :lol:

Hope this makes some sense. :huh:

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