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where do you pour ??

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im just curious where you folks are doing your pouring. are you pouring in the shed, basement, garage, kitchen ?

what are you doing for ventilation ?

i have been heating and pouring on the kitchen stove, directly under the range fan. my wife has been complaining that im smelling up the house. this is why im curious what others are doing....

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I pour in the basement with ventilation out to a window. So far I am only using a 4" dryer vent that I have to squish to fit in the window. Come spring though I am going to put a 6" vent to the outside. Wife said I had to replace the vent on the actual dryer come spring so I am going to split use that as my excuse to upgrade!

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I have a small spare room 7' x 11' set up with a workbench,,Microwave and a window fan from walmart,,,reverse the fan to blow any fumes outside. My signifigant other never complains,,come to think of it,,,I haven't seen her in 15 years,,:oooh:,,,,she said I spend more time with the fish than I do with her,,,,and gave me an ultimadem. :D


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I have a 12' x 24' shop on the side of my barn. Used to be a horse stall(previous owner). I have two windows that I open on good days as well as a hood fan. The shop has electric heat and is insulated.

First time I poured(1991), I did it in the basement using old plastic (smokey). I only did it once and then I was informed by the sergent at arms that if I did that again I would be sleeping in the basement. Moved the pouring to the barn the next day. lol

Like many here, if I spend too much time in the shop, I hear about it.;)


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i also started in the kitchen but was in fear the fumes were not being vented well enough away from the kids.so i bought a 10x14 shed with 7 ft walls.now the point of the high walls was so i could build a loft for storage.gave me plenty of wall to build a hood and run the hose through the wall and still have a place for a air conditioner.

the real reason for the loft was to get the wife to go along with the plan it worked great she was all for more storage.she does say it wasnt ment for storeage of me for 5 hours a day lol.so i ran satalite,a phone and the computer,and put a lil fridge out there.now i can hang out there all day lol i love it.

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