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Testing lip designs

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I came up with a method for testing different lips on the action of the same lure. I thought I would share it with you. I completed the lure shaping and sanding and sealed it with a coat of devcon without the lip being in place. It is important that you dont let the devcon build up in the lip slot. I next installed all hardware including hook hangers and hooks. When I did this, I used a screw eye that was long enough to protrude from the the nose of the lure through the lip slot. Next back out the tie-on screw eye and install the lip that you first want to test. Turn in the screw eye far enough to put pressure on the lip. Tie it on the line and test. I had to cut about 1/8 of an inch off the tie-on screw eye so that it was the perfect length for locking the lip in place on the lure but not too long as to protrude from the nose of the lure. I was able to change the lip four or five times on the same lure doing this and I have now found the correct shape for creating the lure's desired depth and wobble. This however, does not allow you to test different lip angles. Any one have a method of doing that?

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1. install the lip in the slot. 2. rotate screw eye in to lock it in place.

The lure is coated with devcon. Note the length of the tie on screw eye. When rotated in it protrudes through the lip slot and puts enough pressure on the lip to hold it in place while testing. I tested 4 different lip doing this within minutes and not one of the lips fell out or slipped out of correct position.










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Just to make sure I understand:

1. The screw eye in the nose is the one you use to adjust the tension.

2. Does the screw eye end up at the same spot ie. distance from nose to eye/line tie with each lip? To me that position would need to be constant or you're changing the line tie location and hence the action of the lure.



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Couldn't you also use a device like this to help secure and lock the lip into the bait? I know you would use a strong epoxy anyway, but if you put the lip in, screwed the eye down to make a mark on the lip, drill a hole there, and then screwed the eye in when you epoxy in the bill, wouldn't that be a super-strength security. I know it wouldn't matter much for a minnow bait like shown in the picture (very nice design by the way!), but for deep divers there must be a way to do something similar. Any ideas?

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