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Need some help..

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I know this question has been asked several times, but I have been wanting to make some soft plastics for some time, I fish saltwater around Galveston Texas, so most of the soft plastics I use are, BA's, TTF's, and a few others . Can someone tell me what I need to get started, maybe a website to buy a book on this or whatever I need, I really don't know anything about this at all. Thanks Chris

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Start by reading this site. There is enough information here and more experience than you'll find elsewhere.

You'll need a way to heat the plastic - hot plate, microwave, presto pot, etc. The microwave seems most poplular but make sure it's dedicated to plastics and not you're every day microwave.

Depending on what you want to make (I'm not familiar with BA's or TTF's), you might need a mold. There are instructions here to make molds as well.

Of course you'll need plastic as well. Searching on saltwater will likely get you opinions on what to use in saltwater.

You're question is very open ended, do some reading and post more specific questions and you'll get more answers.

- Ray

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The microwave seems most poplular but make sure it's dedicated to plastics and not you're every day microwave.

Thats what I keep forgetting every time I pour plastics. I thought my food tasted a little funny after heating it up right after I heated up plastics. lol

All joking aside. I would just read as many posts on this site as you can before you go and buy any supplies. There is more knowledge in the posts on this site than in any book you could ever get.

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I don't think the plastics used for saltwater are the same as for freshwater. That would be a question to Delw or LedHed for what kind of additives are needed to make saltwater plastics. I think your going to hate how much trouble this new hobby is going to cause with your wife because you want to pour plastics all night long... It is addictive, not criminal - YET!

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Smallie Nailed it.

Speckeled Trout & Redfish can be a little "Picky" sometimes and the regular saltwater harder plastic can be to hard. Now some of the others could care less .. if it moves they nail it.

Also if action is important the softer is better.


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