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need some help

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I made some two part pop swim bait molds and poured some today. They came out pretty good but most of them had air pockets in them and some had holes in them. I would pour them until the plastic would come out of the top. But after it set for awhile it would go down in the mold really slow and I would pour more plastic in the pour hole until it came out again. I think that I have the molds vented well enough. Any suggestions? Thanks guys.

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Not so much to pour faster as to top off faster. As one stick fills, go back one and top off. Fill the next stick, then go back and top off. You want to keep a little "mound" showing at all times. When you let the plastic contract and then top off, you are creating an air pocket. You can always remelt your trimmings.

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The problem he is having is much more ampilfied than it is with sticks as his baits are a much bigger volumn.

As the plastic starts to cool down, it shrinks and sucks into itself from the spru. He will have to more on top of it than someone pouring sticks because it will happen faster and with much more volumn.


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