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Bubbling Plastic

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I made a POP mold a few days ago for 4" slug-gos and I painted the cavities tonight with the elmers/water mixture and after about and hour I tried pouring the cavities and the plastic bubbled after I poured them and ruined all the baits. Did I use the mold too soon or did I possibly overheat the plastic or possibly both?

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Yes they were coming from the same place almost every time. I looked at the little half rings in the sluggo mold and seen that they had small pieces missing and thought maybe air was getting trapped in there but it also bubbled in another area on a few of them too. Do you think its not sealed enough? Thanks

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That's exactly what I think. Re-coat the mold. Fill the cavities completly and let it set for a minute or two before you dump out the excess. Make sure the mold is really dry before you start pouring again.


I tried it again tonight and a little better after the second coat but still have problems. I think I know what it is though. The U shaped ribs have tiny holes in them and I think the air is getting trapped in them and it comes out into the plastic after it flows over it. I am not sure how to repair it since they are so hard to get to. I may try brushing on some more POP to see if I can fill them but it may be hopeless. Does anyone use a Lurecraft Sluggo mold? Any ideas would be appreciated.

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When you made the mold, did you place the masters at the bottom of the pour box, or float the masters?

The bottom mounting seems like a better idea, as all the bubbles rise away from the master.

My last plaster mix was too stiff and despite lots of tray shaking, I was plagued by a whole herd of bubbles. A thinner mix allows the bubbles to escape easier. As with most things, it is a compromise, the stiffer mix gives a stronger mold.

Weigh the water and plaster and keep notes. When you find the perfect mix, you will be able to repeat it (wish I had done this!).

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When you made the mold, did you place the masters at the bottom of the pour box, or float the masters?

The bottom mounting seems like a better idea, as all the bubbles rise away from the master.

My last plaster mix was too stiff and despite lots of tray shaking, I was plagued by a whole herd of bubbles. A thinner mix allows the bubbles to escape easier. As with most things, it is a compromise, the stiffer mix gives a stronger mold.

Weigh the water and plaster and keep notes. When you find the perfect mix, you will be able to repeat it (wish I had done this!).

I glued them to a piece of lexan and placed it in the bottom of the pan and poured over them and tapped the sides but this still happened. Nova,

I just painted a few worms with POP last night let them dry and poured the mols. I will see tonight how they tuirn out. I will have to remake the Sluggos again. I will try to paint them and see what happens. Thanks for your help guys!

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I will let you know how they turn out. I brushed the pop on the baits, waited until it was almost dry, did it again and repeated until I could not see the bait anymore. Then I poured the batch of plaster. I hope they work or I will be bummed. I will try the buttering too. If it works it would be much less labor and time intensive. I just thought brushing it on would help get better detail. I also sealed the place where the bait was glued to the plastic becasue even though I glue by baits down there still would be POP that sneaks over the top of the bait that I have to crack to remove the bait after the mold has cured. We'll see what happens.

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