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LC Beaver mold

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Has anyone noticed the Sweet Beaver mold in the newest LC cat.? I thought it was taken off the list after Andre stirred up law suit concerns.

The flat side and partial side flappers should be enough of a design change to be able to sell the bait. (the fish don't care in any case.)

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I've seen baits from the mold and I'm not impressed. I've made two part POP molds with good results and though not as pretty as aluminum, produce good copies with full side paddles and good detail. I've made modifications to the tail which is more like the Ugly Otter.

We dicussed patent protection last year on TU because the owner of Reaction Innovations threatened a law suit for any advertised copies of his Sweet Beaver. The threat kind of went away because of all of the modified k/o's that flooded the market, some turning out to be better baits IMO and cheaper.

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I've been using LC's beaver molds. I never have any trouble with the side fins, they're always perfectly formed every time. I hand poured 300 small beavers this weekend and not one bad fin. Now, here's the secret: Hold the mold at the head and tail end and flex the center slightly upward. This will cause the side fins cavities to open up. Then pour your side fins first in both cavities quickly. When you release the mold, the closing action of the cavities will actually draw the plastic down into the bottom of the fin, and pretty well all in one motion, the first fin you poured, pour the tail and the body halfway up, then go directly to the next cavity tail, do the same as you did with the first, topping them both off. I have 10 molds of the 3 1/4" and the 4 1/2" and have made a massive amount of these baits, a lot of them using Lee pots. With a little practice it's hard to tell the difference except for the flat side, just don't flex your mold too much or you will split the silicone cavity.

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