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Yammy's Senko's are loaded with salt,,,but if you hold them up to the light, the light will pass through,,they are somewhat transparent,,,I made some with powdered salt,,,,(ground up in a coffee grinder),,,and they are totally opaque,,,,I know salt will cloud up the color,,,been matching his Red with red and black flake,,have the color almost perfect,,,but you can see light through his but not mine,,,,My guess would be too fine of a salt,,,If I didn't grind it up so much,,do you think that would make the difference,,,just trying to save some time and work,,,Don't know if the fish would notice the difference,,but I did,,,,Thanks

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I had the same problem copying the natural shad color. The only way I've found to do it is to use a lot less salt. It's not a problem if you're nail weighting or texas rigging them. If you want to fish it weightless it does change the sink rate. Wish I could figure out how those guys get the salt to dissolve.... That's the only way I can figure they do it.

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The Senko has salt, but it also has sand. The sand does not cloud the bait and weighs more than the salt. I do believe they are using larger salt crystals as well.

Thanks charkins,,,do you know what kind of sand to put in and how much,,I'm using the standard,,,,1 cup plastic,,1/2 cup salt and 1/4 cup softener,,,but only making 4oz batches,,,


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The problem with sand is that it settles faster than any crystal salt. I believe Senkos contain large crystal salt which they can mix/inject at the same time.

.015 sugar flakes, when used in a certain amount, add weight and hold fine salt in suspension longer. Flourized salt is nice because it doesn't clog Lee Pot nozzles but does produce a more opaque bait unless used with sugar flakes (clear flakes).

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Thanks guys I really appreciate the input,,,when I put that stik bait or tube on my hook,,,I never realized all the factors involved in making that bait,,until now,,,lol,,,,When the weather breaks here,,,"won't be long",,There's a local lake where I'll be able to put the "opaque vs Transparent" theory to the test,,,I really don't think it would make a difference,,,maybe in really shallow clear water on a bright sunny day,,,where the sunlight can penatrate the stik but other that that,,,I don't think so. Thanks again

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Location, Presentation and depth - then color - are the things a fisherman should be concerned with. If there are fish in the locale you are fishing and you make a good presentation at the right depth you will catch fish on most any color. However, that being said, color may make a difference - about 5% of the time.

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