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Heres the best thing for you. Go to YouTube.com If you dont have an account sign up, it is free. then do a search for fly tying. There is a guy on there that is demonstrating various techniques. if you dont see exactly what you want then narrow the search to fly tying dubbing and it will be there. I just watched it. Different birds will vary based on which fly you want to tie and what type and color you are looking for. Different feathers serve different purposses. A good book is money well spent. Also there are numerous online resourses. Do a search for FAOL.com they have a great amount of begginer and all types of info. I dont care for the bulitin board to much but the site and info on it is great. (I have issues with the typical flyfisherman egos that seem to prevail in some circles The fun goes away when I get criticized for laying my flyrod down and throwing out a worm.)

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The best skin to get in my mind would be a ringneck pheasant. Use salt and borax to dry the skin. After its dry freeze a day or two or microwave a couple of sec. Set it aside away from you other supplys for a couple weeks make sure the is no bugs in the before adding to your other supplys. I have lost 100s of dollers in necks adding a muskrat skin to soon. The best way to get rid of the bugs is to freeze or microwave them NOT useing pesticides. eggs get past pesticides and at times freezing. The micro heats the feather if there is moisture in it making it a little more brittle. So use caution with both methods. Also I always use shampoo and conditioner on my furs. Yes the conditioner helps. Get the cheap stuff with no sent added.

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Hatches magazine - www.hatchesmagazine.com has a very nice forum with nice guys who help out beginners. They also have a whole section for beginners showing simpler patterns and techniques. If you are working with your own skins you might try to get a copy of Eric Leiser's book - Fly tying materials, I think it is called. Tells you how to skin and treat a critter.


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