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Melting Lead...??????

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Hi Sonny

I do not use a melting pot yet weight all my lures with lead. What I do is hold the lure in a vise then get my blowtorch and a length of lead pipe and simply melt the end of the pipe and let it drip into the lead hole, real easy and quick to do. Also there is plenty of control over how much you are putting in cos your only filling it one drip at a time.

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I have used a cast iron pot from the thrift store on the side burner of an old bbq and a propane torch. Also you could wrap your hooks with lead wire, really small used in fly tying to rolls of solder. You could also crimp on split shots. What are you trying to weight or make??? I might be a better idea to find someone in your area who alread makes lures and has a lead pot and then just buy one mold and go over with a 6 pack and share. Another option would be to get a electric element out of a hotwater heater, you can buy new ones for $10 and then wire it up to a cast iron pot.

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