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Florida Don

Another Creation

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Here is a pic of my latest model.

Disregard the sprue's on the ends.

This one is about 7 1/2" long and approx 1/2" diameter at the belly, 1/2" at the head and 3/4" at the tail. The tail is about 1/8" thick.

I poured a test piece, but I do them clear (easier for me to see flaws that way), so it is hard to get a picture. It came out good. I was a little concerned about getting it out of the mold with the tail thickness - but no problem - it came right out with an air hose.

Will pour some color ones tomorrow - ran out of beer tonight!

I also made another model, but the mold is curing. I will post more later.

I plan on trying out my creations next week.

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#3 fattail fatbelly 2 views 72 ppi copy.jpg

#3 fattail fatbelly 2 views 72 ppi copy.jpg


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Just got home from my part-time job. Stopped and got a 12 pack. (even though it is really NA beer (I'm a diabetic) - but I still think I work better with one in my hand) :yeah:

Thanks for the replies.

To answer the other questions.

I would like to put a scale pattern on it - but didn't know how - any suggestions are appreciated.

Yes, it did come out like a snake - although that wasn't the original intent.

Hope to post some pics soon.

Off to the laboooooratory!

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Here is a picture of the poured version.

The natural one I poured last night came out much better.

The red version is having some problems.

It seems to have stretched a bit and the tail won't seem to fill correctly.

I think I have to redesign the mold.

Here are some thoughts.

1. Vent the mold better.

2. The natural was virgin material - the red was recooked.

3. Add some hardener to the material because it is so long of a part.

4. Remake the mold.

5. My wife forgot to get me some beer yesterday so after work I stopped and bought another brand. Could that be the difference in the pour last night vs. tonight? Yep! That must be it. I had better drink all of this up and send her to the store! :tipsy:

Anyhow, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I will figure it out or simply start over - it's not like I don't enjoy doing it.

One more thing........ the pics I attach seem a bit small. I keep them under 50 kb - couldn't find any guidelines as to size of pics we can attach.


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