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Pay-pal hassles?

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Hi all,

I have just used Paypal for the first time to try and pay for some lures I bought on e-bay (first time user also). The payment went through but was declined by the seller because he says can't accept payments made by credit card through Paypal. He said it's because he only has a Paypal Personal account. I'm from overseas so only bought the lures because I thought I could pay for them with Paypal.

Is this normal practice for Paypal Personal accounts, not being able to accept credit card payments?

Is there a way around this so I can pay the guy, he sold the lures in good faith and I want to honour my part of the deal.

Any experienced Paypal/e-bay users out there who could explain the pros and cons of the system to me?



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Kiwi, actually this is common practice. It's what they call the "fine print". But what you can do to get around it is either send him an international money order (you can get them at almost any bank) or.... you can "confirm" your PayPal account with a checking account. You just fill out the on-line registration through pay pal. It takes about 1-3 days total. Then you can send him money directly with your checking account. I have found PayPal to be a very reliable resource of internet transactions. Hope this helps.

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Hi Kiwi,

Woodsac said it all,

BuT I'll try & explain why the seller does this:

I personally have had the same thing happen a few times, the ad says the seller accepts paypal, but somewher in the "fine print" of the ad, the seller mentions "existing paypal funds only" or "No CC through paypal"

The overal reason IMO is because the seller is a basic tight-wad :|

Paypal offers (i think) 2 plans, personal & premier.

Personal is free, paypal does take a miniscule cut from the funds coming in, but charges a higher percentage for orders coming from credit cards.

Thats why sellers ask for "existing paypal funds" or restrict CC payments, to avoid being charged a lil more for paypal to process the card.

This isnt imposed on premier accounts, so your seller is making an issue over what could be pennies.

Offer to pay him a lil more to cover the charge paypal imposes on the card processing, or do like woodsac said & secure your account by hooking it up to your bank account. that way when your short on "paypal funds" they will pull the cash from your bank account.

When I see an ad that mentions no CC w/ paypal, I avoid it like the plague. :wink:

Corrections to my take on this is welcomed, I love paypal, but I'm no expert on it. I have 2 premier accounts, so I'm not totally sure of the restrictions imposed by personal account holders.


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Thanks Red & Woodsac

Rechecked the auction ad and it didn't have any fine print, just "preferred payment Paypal". I can't deposit funds to my Paypal account from a bank account, this option isn't available for overseas accounts.

I think Red might be right, he could be making an issue over pennies. He said he can't accept credit cards but I've made another payment through Paypal and added a few extra dollars to cover his costs for a credit card, so we will see what happens.

Appreciate your help.


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This is a tactic by Pay pal to get the seller to sign up for a 'premier' account. On his end your payment is waiting to be picked up, but he has to sign up...You can't offer to pay a bit extra, because the seller must change the entire account status, and he will pay the extra %age on each transaction in the future. (It would be in his interest to do this rather than cause friction with CC users. Like Red said- Tight wad...)

Another way to get around this is to deposit money into your paypal account with your credit card, then make the payment.I think there is a limit to the amount you can do this with untill your account has been confirmed.

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And actualy to be testicle , I mean technical , sellers are NOT allowed to tack on extra dollars on to the auction charge to cover paypal charges . If they say they take paypal they have to take it , unless like said above it states they cant from certain accounts . If he gives you to much junk paypal me and I will fire it to him for you and ship overseas to you . I have a couple of my regular customers that buy stuuff going over seas and go through me like that . Funny Farm goes global .

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Thanks FFT

Appreciate the offer. I sent another payment through with a few bucks extra for the guy's trouble but he's refused payment again. Red is graciously acting as a go between, so hopefully it will all get sorted.

Have learnt my lesson, next time I'll just carve the lures- quicker, cheaper and a lot more enjoyable.


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Funny that this is brought up...

last night I had a guy buy 20 t-shirts from Indonesia

I am a bit concerned for 2 reasons .. Its unverified and 20 t-shirts what the heck for? not to mention that this person wants it to be shipped as a gift for less than $50.(so to avoid customs)

Is this a normal practice? Man I would hate to get introuble for doing something like that. I dont need any trouble from customs or the irs. I am debating if I want to go through with it. I dont want to get stuck with 300 bucks worth of shirts and not get my money or the shirts back...

Do any of you guys ship overseas? is there a way to wait until payment is cleared before shipping?


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Occasionally, I ship stuff to Canada and Japan, and they almost always request a low "gift" price for the goods. I've done it for them every time with no problems (so far), but I'm always shaky when doing it. Could this come back to haunt me :?: :rolleyes:......maybe so. I'm sure Bruce is right when he says not to do it. It's probably best not to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. I can tell you this for sure......I definitely would NOT ship overseas to an "unverified" address. Too many problems there and nothing to cover your butt if things go wrong.


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Didnt have time to explain before. What happens is this, they run an order through your online store. Along the way they take notes of the pages they pass through. Then they use those pages (or try to) to break into your site. This is attempted on my site almost daily and most often it comes from Asia. Once they figure out the path and how to hack into your database, they can pull all the info out of it, including customer cc numbers. I dont have to explain how that will damage your reputation with your customers.

Now using Pay Pal does prevent this because they have to hack Pay Pals db and that is tough to do, although it has been done.

With regards to unverified addresses, I ship to them occasionally, but I usually will call them and ask for the CCV # on the back of their card. They can always make this up because unless I'm running the card through my merchant account I dont check 'em. But I think voice contact makes a difference.

Anyway, I would be willing to risk pissing off a customer in Asia to avoid all the possible hassles.

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I have shipped overseas to many countries , maybe 50 over time out of the us not including canada . 99% ask it to be under a certain amout due to customs . Never had a problem with the value for customs .

Del W -I always wait for payment to clear , why wouldnt you ? Whats paypal saying its not cleared? Always wait , USA or not .

One thing I do let out of country customers know is I am in no way AT ALL responsible after it leaves my hands at the post office so buy at their own risk . I got back from post office today and sent some lures to Japan and Finland .

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