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Photo Gallery question.

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I was looking through the photo gallery and lets say I saw some awesome crankbaits.... I saw a bunch that said balsa cedar crankbait? what exactly is that and how is that done. And one more question I saw the wire ran up through the bills on most of the crankbaits does most of the people that do that run the wire through the bait or do they use screw eyes and just do that for the lip and glue that in with the lip.

I am sorry that I have so many questions, some of you are probably tired of them or have answered the same ones many of times. But I am new at this and this is my first time on the sight someone told me it was a great place with great people to get answers like this. So I guess I don't know a lot of things and the only way to find out is ask. So I hope you can bare with me.

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Balsa/cedar crankbait is a liminated bait made from a

cedar center strip with balsa sides. The cedar will hold

screweyes and balsa is easy to sand.

Do a search for coley and you will see a pic of the

cedar center ready to add balsa sides.

I can send you pics if you like.


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