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Favorite colors across the US

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This is for you guys that have your own website. I was wondering if you cared to tell your best selling color for your particular area of the US. The reason I'm asking is that there is a magazine that does product reviews for their members, exchanging product for advertisment. If we do this, I will be provided with a list of addresses from across the US and would kind of like to stick to the popular colors for those areas. For instance, I live in Western NC and our best selling colors are green pumpkin(#1), followed by watermelon, and then some form of black, with the occaisional red shad. So in this area it's mainly darker colors. Any input would be appreciated.


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Down in South Louisiana we have pretty stained water, so Junebug is #1. Once you get to Toledo Bend you are looking at watermelon red primarily, but any watermelon is good. So watermelons, green pumpkins and junebug is probably it. I sell more junebug and watermelon red than anything. Saint.

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Out here on the west coast it's all about Aarons magic, margarita mutilator, watermelon,green pumpkin, and my personal favorite Chocolate blue vein for plastics..

Most of our waters here are clear and deep and are stocked with rainbow trout (AKA protein pills) so any trout patterned swim baits get destroyed.

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Bassgrabber is dead on with the colors he mentioned on the West Coast. I'll add a couple to that list........

Some form of Oxblood with red flake

Green Weenie (green top with brown bottom - red flake in the green) or you could reverse the 2 colors.

If you want to go a step further, my 2 biggest sellers by far were: Watermelon Seed / Red vein and Green Pumpkin Pepper / Red vein.

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If your fishing smallmouth some type of natural crawfish with eith orange or red belly. Some days orange works other days red tears them up. If a lake has shad that's a deadly color, but there must be at least twenty colorations of shads. Almost a different color combination for each lake. I have seen one color of shad lure work in the morning and another work best in the afternoon.

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Up here in Washington State, I tend to sell a lot of watermelon and brown variations. Watermelonseed, watermelon/ red flake are always at the top of the list. Cinammon colors and anything brown or green pumpkin colored with black and copper flake will just kill the smallies up here on the Columbia. My personal best seller is what I call Oxblood passion. It is simply oxblood with black flake and blue hi lite powder. Great clear water color.

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Wisconsin has one of the biggest spreads i have ever seen. But to guess in order. Junebug, black, black and blue, pumpkin, greenpumpkin, watermelom, motoroil, and chart. pepper. I could expand this list another 10 colors depending on the part of the state. Smoke black and red flake would have to hold big in there among the river men and Fire tiger or perch would have a huge folowing.

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Pearl white. Rootbeer silver glitter. Clear Gold. Red and gold. "Shimmer Gold" (gold on top, white belly)

So I don't skew the study, these are the colors I use the most for snook, redfish and trout.

It's funny how people have their favorites. "New Penny" is a huge selling color down here. But I don't use it. I'm not a big fan of that particular color.

For a longer jerkbait, a lot of the other saltwater folks around here like "baby bass" color. Again, they use it a lot but it's not one of the colors I use a great deal.

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Thanks to all of you that responded.







King Bait Co


Bass Grabber









This should help a lot. Wow responses all the way from Florida to California! For those 17 folks on the list to show our appreciation for your input, I would like to send you guys a sample pack if you would like. If you're interested please PM me with a mailing address and we'll be glad to drop you something in the mail for your trouble.

Thanks so much for your time.:worship:

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In New Hampshire the hot colors in the past few years have been Watermelon as # 1, Black with no flake and pretty much any configuration with black is always a close contender. For those days when the darker colors aren't hitting a Chartreuse usually picks up the slack.

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I think it has more to do with water color and clarity then location. Here in N. Idaho some waters are stained and some are gin clear. I fish bright colors in one lake like my Green Shad (dark watermelon with red flake on top with achartreuse with black and gold flake belly), Chartreuse with black flake, sometimes a pearl white. In a lake not 10 miles away they only seam to like Red Shad. In the river my Green Shad, Silver Shad, Red Shad, Watermelon Red and white all seam to work at times as the river varies from clear to stained depending on where your fishing. The main river is much clearer then the slews that I fish the most. But I have put more fish in the boat with my Red Shad then any other color and two color baits like my shad colored Sink-N-Fools account for about 95% of my fish in the last 4 years. Here is one of the fish I got on my Red Shad baits last year. For N. Idaho this is a toad. Good pixs of the fish I look like a hillbilly. lol


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