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Mountain Man 26

Another Divided Pouring Cup

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This may have already been offered as an option, but I did not feel like reading all 113,419 posts about the topic. Anyway...put this together yesterday. Divider is from a cup that the handle threads stripped out of. Got out the tinner snips and cut the old cup into. Cut some releif cuts on the bottom and rolled it out flat. I them measured a template. Applied a little JB and 24 hours later, you have yourself a divided pouring cup. I put it on a seperate hot plate and kept it warm until I was ready to add plastic from my heating cups. I used it solely for pouring, not heating. Anyway...I hope this helps someone.

Rangers lead the way!

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg

Divided Cup.jpg

Divided Cup 2.jpg



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Hey Ranger I really like that cup! Looks a lot easier to make than the pyrex version, plus dont have to worry about it shattering. So just to clarify you take the cup, split it in half, lay it on its side and use the outline as a template for the middle piece, cut the middle piece and weld it all together?

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