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clear blades made

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I know this has been a topic of recent discussion. I successfully made some clear blades, some with transparent colors and some clear.

Heres how I did it:

My daughter has some "Makit and Bakit" kits (wally world) in which she makes candy bowls, etc...SO, I took some of materials and made some hammered colorado blades. I was winging it, but it worked out well.

1st- melt the plastic beads in a aluminum pan at 375 for 15-20 mins

2nd- remove from oven for 10 mins, it will separate and become hard

3rd- I took aluminum foil and shaped it around the colorade blade, making it as smooth as poss. I made a little "aluminum foil stand" for the covered blade to rest on top of. (cup side of the blade downward)

4th- Put the hard plastic on top of the covered blade and place in oven for about 3-4 mins at 375 until it shapes around the blade

5th- remove from oven and let it cool for 10 mins, separate the blade from the plastic

6th- drill the split ring hole

7th- buff the edges w/ dremel, dont buff the rear cup too much or it wont turn in the h20

I would post pics of the finished product, but my camera is unavailable for duty right now. I will soon though. Theonly part that was tricky was the removal of the plastic from the nickel blade/aluminum...the plastic melted and cupped so well around the blade that I had to cut it lose with dremel around the edges, then buffed the edges smooth. Upsides, it looks good and works well, downside- it was time consuming, 45 minutes +.

Hope ya'll get something out of this.

Take care


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