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Question for Big Splash

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My Bro in-law recently moved to the west coast (Seattle) and has discovered the incredible steelhead/salmon fishery out there. I've been making him cranks for Christmas but now he says he needs jigs for steelhead. Instead of asking him exactly what he needed, I wanted to sound cool and said no problem. The problem is I've never fished for steelhead. I do know that he uses mostly 1/8th ouncers. Anyway I came up with a pattern that I hope is effective and wanted to get your opinion on it since your obviously an adept salmonid fisherman. Also, do you think I should tie up some natural looking patterns like stoneflys onto jigs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!










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Your jigs look good. Where I fish the steelies are really fond of pink-light, dark, hot, you name it as long as it's pink! Marabou and krystalflash, or flash-a-bou are also popular.

The Stonefly pattern idea is a good one too.

You should inquire about hook type. I know some stealheaders prefer a stout O'Shaughnessy jig hook.

Maybe Riverman could add to this, as I know he fishes Oregon Steelhead. A few weeks ago a fellow was discussing handmade floats, and I think he may know about the tiny steelhead jigs too.

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