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Mold Question

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The netcraft senko mold is a injection mold, you have to use their injector. (about ten bucks) They do make a good bait when they work right. I would spend the extra bucks and get a aluminum mold from bob or del. I think you would be better off in the end and like the finished product alot better, even if they r for yourself.

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I don't pour any plastics... but, I have read a lot of what others have posted on the this very subject. If it were me, looking to pour only what I plan to use, I would see if I could make own molds out of PoP or RTV. There are some good reference materials in the Members Submitted Tutorials, check and see if that would work for you.

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At one time, I bought the injector thinking the same thing. Within a week I was ordering Molds from Del and Bob...Don't get burned (pun intended). There's something about 350 degree plastic under high pressure within an inch of my hands that makes me queezy, but maybe it's just me. Go with the POP or the aluminums w/out a doubt.


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I burnt the crap out of my finger using their injector last summer. Do yourself a huge favor and get an aluminum mold from Del's or Bob's. The Netcraft stuff is not worth the effort or risk involved in using it, plus you get a much better bait from an aluminum mold.

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There all to many ways to get injured and one of the worse is to get burned by tar or plastic, as it lands on your flesh and the Sensory nerves start screaming to your brain that this hurt BAD. Instincts work against you as you start to slap your hand over the wound and the stuff that caused the initial pain may be hot enough to make a second burn...

After a few minutes pass and you get a chance to assess the status of your wound, figuring out if you can self treat or need to be seen in the E.R. If there was enough tar or plastic on the wound that a layer remains after it cools, the first piece of bad news reaches you... That material on the wound has got to be removed. Minutes later in the treatment room, after you have finished confessing to every unsolved murder within 50 miles, you will get some relief after a dressing is applied. With luck, no skin grafts are required and you have a fast recovery and you store that away in the old brain-bucket as "Lesson Learned."










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Ya If their is a chance of getting burned don't buy it or even look at it. I burned myself while pouring fast as it hit my hand. I did the natrual fast reaction thing to wipe at soon as it hit the skin it came right off. It took three months to heal. I think if I didn't hit it off it would have been a lot worse? Saftey first and foremost. Cheap tackle doesn't equal cheap ER trips!!!

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