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workshop almost complete

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Well I have the addiction as my friend joe told me I would. I started setting up a shop to just do some basic carving and rattle cans about three weeks ago. Well right now I have my band saw vice dremmel tool spray booth with exhaust and all the other goodies to go with it accept the lathe and as we all know there is always something we just have to have so it will never be completely done. I am so excited to get going I played with some stuff and it swam like a turd as joe said it would. LOL LOL but all I can say is you guys are the best thank you for sharing with me as I had no real guidance except this sight and a few others. I am sure I will have a ton of questions and also I will post some pictures when I get the shop or should I say room done. Also it will be a while but I will also post some pictures of finished products. Thanks again guys and gals if tehre are any on here.


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Welcome to the fray known as Tackleunderground.com - is weird how quick that addiction gets hold of a fellow isn't it. I just wanted to remind you the there are a bunch of great tutorials in the Member Submitted Tutorial section if you've not seen it yet. You can get there real fast by just hitting the "How-To" button on the menu bar at the top of most pages (all of them I think). Good luck and remember there have been several members who have attempted to develop a 12 step program, but when they find how much it cuts into there tackle making, they stop messing with it... go figure.

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How many times has my wife heard me say "just a minute" for hours.

Making excuses to your friends for why you were late.

Forgetting to eat.

Talking endlessly to a fishing buddy about crankbait action and why it happens, when they don't care.

Posting on TU at 2:00, 3:00, and even 4:00 AM and then checking back 3 hours later after your nights sleep.

When your child, in a joking manner says "You love your lures more than me, don't you?" and you want to say, I love both of you equally.

Reading the back of every paint can in the automotive section.

You know exactly what I am talking about.

We all see the signs in ourselves. There is nothing that can be done to help. I don't want any help. We are all like Mad Scientist. Each of us has little secrets we protect.

This is a great hobby.

Keep a good balance. Family, Friends, Fishing, Lure Making. It doesn't need to be in that order, but just a good balance.

Carve on,


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David - " Talking endlessly to a fishing buddy about crankbait action and why it happens, when they don't care."

I can relate to this, I have been doing it for years - you can't beat the look on their face , when suddenly there is another fish on your line, and they still have not caught anything. pete

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Very funny statements here , just had a good laugh:lol::lol::lol: .

Made me to remember that elder lady selling all sorts of stuff on a Hamburg fleamarket the other day . She had some wooden coathangers there for very little money , but I only chose one particular . She wanted to get rid of all of them and made a good price offer , if I would take the whole bunch .

I won't forget that endlessly astonished expression on her face , when I told her something like : " No , thanks , Ma'am , but fish won't strike on these ones , they're not symmetrical .........!

It's kind of desease , but it's not dangerous......!

Keep on carvin' , diemai

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A couple of weeks ago, I bought a hair dryer at the supermarket. As the girl mundainly checked all the goods through, when she came to the dryer, she paused and glanced at my bald head and then my eyes. Feeling an unbearable urge to explain, I resisted and said, "daughter". I was contemplating pointing to my eyebrows, but she looked like her sense of humor was lacking.

Edited by Vodkaman
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