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King Bait Co.

Looking to add sponge to a crankbait

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I use the soft/cloth side of Velcro. You can get it in different colors, and sizes. I like to use the black, cut it in a 1/4" strip, and stick it along the back of the lure. It works best when you use the thicker, paste or gel type scents. Hope this sparks some ideas....

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I don't make cranks, so I really am talking through my hat about something for which I have no first hand knowledge, but I was just wondering.

Someone posted pictures of a pike jerkbait with a hollow tail, to which he super glued a grub onto the head of a nail.

Maybe you could copy that idea, by hollowing the back of a crank, then adding your through wire or hook hanger, and superglueing a doughnut shaped sponge into the recess around the hook hanger. I would think that might interfere less with the action of a lure than putting it on it's back, or on one of the hook shanks.

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Just like mark poulson I am now talking about something , that I have not done before , and I agree with him as well , that such exterior sponge-piece might minor the lure action .

On some of my crankbaits I ocassionally assemble homemade rattles of round metal tubing (8 mm dia , 0,5 mm wall) .

I place these into holes , that are drilled crosswise through the lure-blank , and seal them off with putty .

Anyway , my idea about your scent-sponge is now to also drill a hole through the lure and glue in a piece of tubing , maybe little larger and of plastic , off course you must leave both ends open .

You could later paint your lure and seal off as usual , it would loose only a little buoancy .

The sponge you could always push into the hole and it would stay there , if you cut it large enough in diameter to comprime a bit and therefore bind into the hole . Cut precisely , it would also sit reasonably flush with the flanks of the bait and not disturb its action at all .

Good success with anything , that you're up to , diemai

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That's a great idea. I've seen lure here with through holes as part of the lure design, but not for scent sponges.

Any turbulence created by the irregular sides would probably be a plus, giving the lure a distinctive underwater "signature".

Rick Clunn came out with a line of cranks a few years ago that were supposed to give off a different vibration due to the notches on their sides, which was supposed to show up on a bass' lateral line as a unique signature, and make the baits get bit more since they were not the run of the mill crank.

Who are we to argue with Rick Clunn?

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I am going to try all of these ideas. Many grerat ideas to little lures. As for the Rick Clunn Orion E.T.I. Crankbaits I had bought six of them two seasons ago and haven't caught any more fish with them. Then a Norman crankbaits. I think they put some spit and shine on a old lure for a dollar something more as they do so many other lures and BPS reels

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@ Vodkaman , @ mark poulson

kill by smell , aye ?:):)

@ King Bait Co.

Sorry about that wasted money , but many , too many lures are put out to hook fishermen , not fish .

Better stay with the old proven classics of whatever kind ;) .

But your lures would surely catch fish , with or without some tinkering , because that's exactly what you make them for :wink:.

Greetings , diemai

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