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robert giberson

epoxy, clear coats and eye holes???

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hi guys, working on a jerkbait( ukko) have it cut out,balanced,weighted and now filled ready for final sanding and primer, i have a couple of questions on if epoxy(s) are all 2 stage setups for putting in screw and lips? and what about the final clear coat are they all like envirotex lite? 2 stage mixing,or is there aproduct out there that is a right out of the can usage? and finally how do you guys put the indent(hole ) in for the eyes to be sunk in? thanxs for all and any help! Rob :huh:

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For drilling eye sockets I use a round ball diamond bit in my Dremel. After you cut out your lure and while it is still flat on both sides, decide where you want the eyes located. Mark this spot and then use a small drill bit to drill all the way through the lure blank. This will line up your eyes perfectly on both sides. Next, use the appropriate size diamond bit for the eyes that you are using and drill out your eye sockets until you can see only about half of the bit. If you selected the right size bit, your eye should fit perfectly. Below is a great selection of bits that, if not abused, should last a lifetime. This set is available at Harbor Freight at the link below. Don't be shocked at the price. The set is on sale right now for half price ($14.00)



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Hi there, I do it the same way Lincoya does. I drill a small hole all the way through the bait so both holes are located equal. For the eye socket I use a rounded bottom router bit in the drill press. It does a real nice job. All you have to do is to set your depth, lock the drill press and put in your eye sockets. Hope this helps. Ken Schmitz Mylures

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i have a couple of questions on if epoxy(s) are all 2 stage setups for putting in screw and lips? and what about the final clear coat are they all like envirotex lite? 2 stage mixing,or is there aproduct out there that is a right out of the can usage? and finally how do you guys put the indent(hole ) in for the eyes to be sunk in? thanxs for all and any help! Rob :huh:

Rob, epoxies are by nature two-stage setups. Epoxies are two parts that combine to form a bond.

Many use epoxies (Devcon, etc.) for final coat or sealing. You might consider Devcon "right out of the can" since it is dispensed via syringe method. Both parts tend to dispense in equal volumes. All that is left to do is mix and apply.

As far as true "out of the can" methods, you can only revert to the old varnishes. They will yellow with UV exposure, but will protect the lure body for a shorter time with one quick coat.

Never tried Envirotex, so sorry, can't help there. The others have already described fine methods for eye layout.

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