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Question for the tube guy

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Yes, we do make them that big and soon to be BIGGER ! I uploaded a few pics on the soft plastics gallery this morning. Our next tube will be similar the musky tube that Lindy puts out. Just need to finish the dipping rods and take delivery of a 5 gallon cap. hot pot coming in a couple of weeks.

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I like the tubes you have.

I am as always trying to cut my very own tube tails.

I can make tubes with some old plastic, but I still have trouble cutting the tails.

I too live in Ontario, and would love to get a hold of a tail cutting idea

Or tool you may have. Please let me know if you can help.

Big Lou.. :?:

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Get yourself a small paint roller handle, some rotary cutting blades (olfa) and some small washers to space them. Thread the end of the paint roller, 3/8 " comes to mind for a die, then cut that thread about 1" down the rod. You will have to tack a washer just before the first bend of the roller rod to act as an anchor ( try a steel punch to put a divot in the rod so the washer cant get past it). Then alternately space a washer with a cutting blade until you have about 30 or so on there and add a lock nut to cap it off. A lock nut allows you to apply constant pressure so the blades stay aligned properly. I can make one for about 80-85 dollars my cost, but I wont have any time to make these for anyone else...sorry.

Hope this helps...now get to work man :wink:

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