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King Bait Co.

Warning On Exclusive Made Reels!

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If you have the BPS catalog you my notice on page 85. A nice looking baitcaster and spinning reel called the Daiwa TD-PRO a BPS exclusive. I was going to buy this baitcaster when it was pointed out to me. That a Daiwa Exceler 100H is basicly is the same thing. The diffrance is the bearings: EX has 8+1 the TD has 11+1 Two of the bearings are in the handle of the TD And one in the spool bearing. The price diffrance IS EX for $79 the TD $120. That is a $40 dollar diffrance in basicly the same reel. I haven't checked on the spinning reels yet. Word to the wise double check EXCLUSIVE MADE before you buy. Its probaly has a diffrent name at their competors for the same thing a lot less.:eek:

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FYI, the td-pro has a swept handle too.

So does the exceler.

I haven't heard anything good about the TD-Pro baitcasting reels. However, the Cabela's Prodigy spinning reel is made for them by Daiwa and it looks to have all the features (if not more) than the Daiwa Tierra spinning reels and cost about $20 less. So the exclusive stuff isn't always bunk (the TD-Pro spinning reel looks like a rip-off too compared to the Tierra spinning).

If I was in that $120 range for a baitcaster, though, I would be looking seriously at a Shimano Citica, TD Tierra baitcast or a Pflueger Asaro, they look like nice reels. I must say though, probably the best deal going right now is at Tacklewarehouse where you can get a Curado for $120 (after the mail in rebate). A lot of places are really marking down the Curados and Citicas, AND Shimano has the mail in rebate going because apparently they are redoing both those lines of reels (probably to be debuted at ICAST).

Edited by SmokeyJ
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...I haven't heard anything good about the TD-Pro baitcasting reels....I was in that $120 range for a baitcaster, though, I would be looking seriously at a Shimano Citica, TD Tierra baitcast...I must say though, probably the best deal going right now is at Tacklewarehouse where you can get a Curado for $120 (after the mail in rebate)....


I fish with Zillion's so I can't speak from experience, but if I were going to get a reel for less it would be the TD Advantage HSTA. I have heard great things about the old advantage. I would think the Super Tuned for 2008 would be a very nice reel for $150...

You can also check out a "Japan Only" model called the "Aggrest", but it's a tid bit higher in price. ($200)

Daiwa Alphas 150H 150HL

Both have the swept handle and both are made in Japan...I think. I don't believe the Advantage is China made....maybe Korea if not Japan?

My :twocents:

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I guess I've heard and read too many bad things about chinese made Daiwa's out. I'm a huge fan of Daiwa and that's all I fish, but the quality of these chinese made reels are like everything else that comes out of china...half of a batch could be good, but the other half could be poorly built and fall apart too soon. I guess it really boils down to how often you fish and if you mind the possibility of the headaches you get when you have to deal with getting a reel replaced or repaired. I usually fish 2 or 3 times a week, so I want to know that I'm not going to have to replace my equipment every couple of years...or much sooner.

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I bought a couple of Cabela's Prodigy reels several months ago. "Engineered by Daiwa" Made in Thailand. Actually I got them in trade for 4 cheaper faux Daiwas that I sent back unused. They were junk. No 2 felt the same out the box. One was noisy as Hell. 1st thing I did with Prodigys was disassemble/clean/lube w/hot sauce/hot grease. I'm fairly sure that a $1.00/hr. Thai girl dont know nuthin' bout no lubricatin'. But then a $1.00 hr. Thai girl with a tube of grease in her hand does sound kinda fun.:lol:

Prodigys were on sale for $59. Used them a bunch-actually pretty impressed-solid feel. Budy of mine got 2 of the BPS "exclusive" reels-Ive tried his-Prodigys are obviously better reels, but their reg. price is $99.00-they should be better.

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I'm huge fan of Diawa too. I learned years ago that Shimano despite it's popularity, sometimes only puts in about half of the ball bearings they claim to. Doing so probably on the assumption not too many people take apart new reels and count bearings.

Wow...I've not heard that. What do you fish with Brian?

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