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All kinds of discussions could eminate from your request, which is probably why no one has answered your question yet.

If I was linking to my own work, I could see no wrong. But if I wanted to link to someone elses work, I would contact them for permission.

It is possible that TU management team have an opinion on such actions, Redg8r?

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Yeah, I didnt reply because I wasnt totally sure of the request.

If your asking to post links to another site that contains pictures of lures, sure, hyperlinks are fine as long as marketing or purchase information isnt contained on that page. If so, then I would suggest linking or attaching the photo/s here (with permission from the owner, of course.)

If they are your lures on your commercial website, you are permitted one link in your signature to promote your site. Accessible here:


Hope that helps, if I'm off-base, feel free to elaborate in a little more detail.

All the best & thanks for joining us.



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Oh, Ok, that makes sense.

If you visit the photo gallery above, you can "rate" your favorite lures, like most have done before, this builds a "highest rated" list you can click on to see the best rated lures in each respective category.

Heres one link:

TU Forum Home - Luremakers Photo Gallery - Newest Uploads - Last Thirty Days

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I absolutely love jrhopkin's lures, every one of them.

Here's a particular favorite of mine:


Also Jeep has a couple really fantastic jointed swimbaits that are really cool. I love his esox project:


and his arowana:



In case you can't tell, I really like jointed swimbaits :P

Edited by mainbutter
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I will be honest, I think all the baits in the gallery are great. Every lure in there has its own style and I still go through the gallery from time to time and I look at all of them. ;) And Dave you really need to check the gallery out and check out the talent here. I really enjoy the pike baits from across the big pond.( The big pond AKA, the Atlantic ocean)

Edited by jamie
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Jamie, I do wander in there occasionally. My favourite gallery poster is Jaraal. His work is always of outstanding quality and very innovative. His work belongs in an art gallery, not a tackle box.

Jaraal rarely posts in the forums, but posts to the gallery regularly, a doer rather than a talker, nothing wrong with that. I have no idea how to isolate his gallery pics in the new system. Pity, as it is worth a look.


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I like pretty much all of the baits in the gallery. Some of my favorites are the ones by Fatfingers, Tigger (Tigger's Sturgeon crank is amazing) and Benton B.

I have no idea how to isolate his gallery pics in the new system.

Go to his profile, click on "Gallery", then go to "View all images" and there you are. Or you can use this link to his gallery.


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